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Новости за 30.06.2017

Doctor accused of sex harassment kills 1 at NYC hospital

Stars and Stripes 

A doctor with a rifle hidden under a lab coat opened fire Friday at the Bronx hospital where he used to work, killing one person and wounding six others before taking his own life, authorities said.

Measure forces Congress to examine post-9/11 war powers role

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A stunning move this week by a House panel to force a debate on new presidential war powers revealed mounting frustration that Congress has for too long dodged one of its most important responsibilities: to decide whether to send American fighting forces into harm's way.

Measure would require new war authorization from Congress

Stars and Stripes 

A stunning move this week by a House panel to force a debate on new presidential war powers revealed mounting frustration that Congress has for too long dodged one of its most important responsibilities: to decide whether to send American fighting forces into harm's way.

UN cites 'notable trend' of people returning home in Syria

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Nearly a half-million people who were displaced within Syria by the war have returned to their homes, the U.N. refugee agency said Friday, pointing to a "notable trend of spontaneous returns" this year.

No finish line for war widow runner

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At the start, it was one foot in front of the other — a way to get through days without end, nights dark with loneliness. For the young military widow, her constant companion on a trail of tears was a broken heart wet with grief.

Hundreds flee Mosul as Iraqi forces squeeze extremists

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Hundreds of civilians fled Mosul's Old City on Friday as Iraqi forces slowly squeezed the last pockets of Islamic State resistance, and the U.N. warned that the "intense and concentrated" fighting put innocent lives in even greater danger.

Staffing shortages in Arkansas a 'snapshot' of VA hiring problems

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Two dozen members of the medical staff at John L. McClellan Memorial Veterans Hospital in Little Rock gathered along the road outside the facility on Monday morning, holding up signs and chanting at passersby in protest of staffing shortages that they believe are severe and put patients at risk.

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Анастасия Ивлеева

Блогера Ивлееву оштрафовали на 50 тыс рублей за дискредитацию российской армии

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Сергей Трофимов

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

US-S.Korea summit exposes spat on trade, resolve on N. Korea

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President Donald Trump took South Korea to task over its trade surplus with the United States on Friday, demanding renegotiation of a bilateral pact, even as the close security allies voiced joint resolve against the nuclear weapons threat from North Korea.

UN chief: Progress in Cyprus talks, much more to be done

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Progress has been slow in high-level talks to reunify the ethnically divided Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Friday, with security issues in particular standing in the way of a peace accord.

Blue Angels a well-oiled machine

Stars and Stripes 

On Saturday and Sunday, the Blue Angels will headline the third annual New York Air Show at Stewart International Airport.

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Мирра Андреева установила новый рекорд на турнирах WTA-1000


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Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

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Поведение Путина вызвало резонанс, потерянные в 90–е заводы возвращаются РФ

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Певица Ольга Бузова прошла плановый осмотр в больнице


Тамбовское УМВД проверяет материалы о картельном сговоре подрядчиков АО "ТСК"

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