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Новости за 15.06.2017

Messy fight awaits ISIS' next Syrian capital at Mayadeen

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Many commanders have reportedly fled the besieged cities of Mosul, Iraq, and Raqqa, Syria, in recent months for Mayadeen, a remote town in the heart of Syria's ISIS-controlled, Euphrates River valley near the Iraqi border.

Probes launched as search continues for London fire victims

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London firefighters combed through a burned-out public housing tower Thursday in a grim search for missing people as police and the prime minister launched investigations into the inferno that killed at least 17 people.

Movies on base through June 21

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain and Turkey.

Frustrated jihadis, returning fighters, drones listed as EU threats

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Explosives that mimic those used in Syria and Iraq are a leading threat to the European Union — including weaponized off-the-shelf drones — along with returning fighters and would-be jihadis blocked from traveling to the war zone, according to a report Thursday from Europe's top law-enforcement organization.

Why 'The Mummy’ reboot unraveled in the U.S.

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Universal Pictures built its legacy with horror movies featuring Dracula, Frankenstein and the Wolf Man during the heydays of Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi in the 1930s and ’40s.

Doctors say US student freed by North Korea has brain damage

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Fred Warmbier called his son's return bittersweet. He said there was no reason for North Korea to keep his 22-year-old son's condition a secret and deny him top medical care. "There's no excuse for the way the North Koreans treated our son."

Coalition planes strike most ever ISIS targets in May

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U.S.-led coalition warplanes dropped more munitions on Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria last month than in any previous month of the nearly three-year war against the terrorist group, according to Pentagon statistics released this week.

In wurst case, German sausage seller prepared to go to jail

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Christina Wagner has been battling to sell bratwursts by the Autobahn near the town of Rodaborn for years. Authorities refused to give her a permit to operate at the site, so she passes sausages to her customers through a fence from an adjacent lot.

Arrest warrants out for Turkish agents, others in DC melee

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Police in Washington are seeking the arrest of a dozen Turkish security agents and two others accused of taking part in a violent attack on protesters during an official visit by Turkey's president, a melee that became a major irritant in U.S.-Turkish ties.

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Official says more Hanford nuclear mishaps likely

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Future accidental radiation releases at the largest U.S. site of waste from nuclear weapons production are likely following back-to-back emergency evacuations of workers in May and June because aging infrastructure is breaking down.

ISIS claims it's taken bin Laden's Afghan hideout of Tora Bora

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The Islamic State group says it has captured Tora Bora, a mountain hideout in Afghanistan once used by Osama bin Laden, but the Taliban on Thursday dismissed the claim, saying they were still in control of the cave complex.

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