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Новости за 09.06.2017

As Tillerson calls for calm, Trump calls out Qatar on terror

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President Donald Trump is ramping up pressure on Qatar to stop what he calls a "high level" of financial support of terrorism, even as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson tries to calm the worst diplomatic crisis in the Persian Gulf in years.

Vice President Pence tries to shore up Georgia GOP candidate

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Vice President Mike Pence says suburban Atlanta Republicans must elect Karen Handel to Congress to help President Donald Trump or risk a loss that could help hand House control back to Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi. While in Georgia, Pence also met with troops at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, outside Atlanta.

F-35 flights halted at 1 base after hypoxia-like incidents

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The Air Force on Friday temporarily stopped flying F-35 fighter jets at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona in response to a series of incidents in which pilots reported symptoms of hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation.

Why millennials leak government secrets

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We hardly invented leaking, but millennials are especially well-suited to the tactic. It’s a squirt gun we can use on our leaders when they’ve stepped out of line.

Tweet fatigue filters down from the top

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Never heard of Harry Styles? No reason that you should. But Twitter functions equally as a news service for our president and for a British pop star of considerable talent but no particular relevance to grown-ups.

Anti-Shariah rallies set for weekend worry Muslim leaders

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Inside a mosque in the college town of Eugene, a half-dozen men prostrated themselves on a carpet while another man led the midday prayers. Over their melodic recitation came a tapping sound as a locksmith installed higher-grade locks on the front door.

Teen in texting-suicide case researched suicide methods

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A forensic investigator who examined computers owned by a teenager who prosecutors say was coaxed by text messages from his girlfriend into killing himself has testified that the teen searched suicide methods.

Indiana prosecutor charges 12 in fake, fraudulent voter registrations

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Twelve employees of a Democrat-linked group focused on mobilizing black voters in Indiana are accused of submitting fake or fraudulent voter registration applications ahead of last year's general election in order to meet quotas, according to charging documents filed Friday.

Report says Missouri Guard illegally fired whistleblower

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Army veteran Michael Sandknop was fired in 2014, within a week of filing what he considers a whistleblower complaint alleging that he wasn’t provided the proper tools and equipment to produce a monthly TV show about the Guard, and that the working atmosphere at the public affairs unit was toxic. A report made public Wednesday says Sandknop was illegally fired from his job with the Guard.

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Певец Григорий Лепс откроет караоке-бар Leps Bar в Петербурге

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ENERGON поделился успешным кейсом внедрения системы управления предприятием 1C:ERP

South Korea says it will abide by US missile defense agreement

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Saying North Korea poses a “very serious and urgent threat,” South Korea’s national security adviser said the new government will abide by the agreement with the United States on deploying a controversial missile-defense system.

UNICEF: More than 40,000 children at risk in Syria's Raqqa

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The United Nation's children agency warned Friday that the fight for the Islamic State group's stronghold of Raqqa in northern Syria is threatening the lives of more than 40,000 children, as overnight airstrikes on the city claimed the lives of more than a dozen people.

Missile shootdown test was most realistic, US evaluator says

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The $244 million test of the rocket by Orbital ATK Inc. and the Raytheon Corp."hit-to-kill" warhead it released "mimicked that of an actual operational scenario," Army Lt. Col. Roger Cabiness, a spokesman for the Defense Department testing office, said in a statement.

Iran leaders accuse US, Saudis of supporting Tehran attacks

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Iranian leaders on Friday accused the United States and Saudi Arabia of supporting the Islamic State-claimed dual attacks that killed 17 people in Tehran this week, as thousands of Iranians attended a funeral ceremony for the victims.

3 UN peacekeepers killed in attack in northern Mali

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Jihadists launched an attack on a United Nations camp in northern Mali, killing three peacekeepers from the West African nation of Guinea and wounding several others, officials said Friday.

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Команда Орловской области стала победителем хоккейного турнира среди команд Черноземья


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