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Новости за 28.06.2017

Officials finalizing details of Trump's revived travel ban

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Senior officials from the departments of State, Justice and Homeland Security labored Wednesday to finalize rules for visitors from six mostly Muslim nations who hope to avoid the Trump administration's revived travel ban and come to the United States.

Campaigner-in-chief: Trump's politicking raises ethics flags

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Barely five months into office, President Donald Trump keeps taking time out from governing to run for re-election. The historically early campaigning comes with clear fundraising benefits, but it has raised red flags. Among them: Government employees have inappropriately crossed over into campaign activities, tax dollars may be subsidizing some aspects of campaign events, and as a constant candidate, the president risks alienating Americans who did not vote for him.

Top officials unaware pipeline security operated illegally

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North Dakota's governor, top law officer and military leader all said Wednesday they were unaware that a private security firm hired by the developer of the disputed Dakota Access oil pipeline has been operating illegally in the state without a license.

Tillerson tightens limits on filling State Department jobs

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Rex Tillerson is clamping down further on hiring as part of his push to overhaul the State Department, in a move likely to exacerbate concerns that a large number of unfilled jobs is diminishing his agency's role in shaping foreign policy.

A look at key moments on the road to Mosul

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The Islamic State group's hold on Mosul has shrunk to just about one square mile. After more than eight months of some of the most intense fighting against the militants, Iraq's Prime Minister has pledged that victory is near. Here's a look at some of the key events in the fight against ISIS in Iraq.

Iraqis fight house to house for costly victory in Mosul

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Gunfire echoes through the pockmarked streets as Maj. Ihab Jalil al-Aboudi's soldiers fight block by block for the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, occasionally pausing to help terrified families flee to safety across the rubble.

How a 91-year-old imam came to symbolize feud between Qatar and its neighbors

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The Qatar-based cleric and TV star has never been charged in a terrorist attack, but he was labeled a terrorist earlier this month in a formal declaration by Saudi Arabia and three of its allies. Since then, Gulf Arabs have banned Qaradawi's books, blocked his broadcasts and even sought to remove his name from public buildings.

Texas yacht captain guilty of ID theft, as 20-year-old secret comes to light

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Captains of vessels that carry more than six paying passengers are required to renew their U.S. Coast Guard licenses every five years. Capt. Christina White's was up for renewal early last year. She filled out a renewal application, submitted to the required physical exam and drug test and waited for her new license. That simple, routine act would prove to be her undoing, and set in motion the unraveling of a closely-held, 20-year-old secret.

Senate committee moves to speed up yearslong VA appeals process

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The Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee on Wednesday unanimously passed on voice vote a bill that aims to speed up the process of getting veterans their earned benefits – a task that now takes between three and six years on average if a veteran is forced to appeal a benefits claim that is denied.

From destruction to cholera, Yemen war brings disasters

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More than two years of civil war have led to continually compounding disasters in Yemen. Fighting rages on in a deadly stalemate. The economy has been bombed into ruins. Hunger is widespread, and a new misery has been added: the world's biggest current outbreak of cholera, with more than 200,000 cases.

NATO set for defense spending increases as Trump seeks even more

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NATO allies are expected to boost defense spending in 2017 by 4.3 percent, marking the third consecutive year expenditures will rise for an alliance under pressure from the Trump administration to invest even more in their militaries.

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Hamas to create buffer zone with Egypt to improve ties

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Hamas has begun work on a buffer zone along Gaza's border with Egypt, the Islamic militant group said Wednesday, as part of an effort to assure Cairo that it's serious about preventing the cross-border flow of weapons and militants.

Kosovo war crimes court clears way for indictments

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A court established to prosecute crimes committed during and immediately after Kosovo's war for independence has approved its rules of procedure and evidence, a crucial step toward prosecutors issuing indictments.

Quincy pier owner says USS Salem to move soon

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The famed Sea Witch is on track to make its planned move to its new pier in the Fore River Shipyard in the next several weeks, according to Quincy businessman Jay Cashman, who owns both the old and the new pier.

Police raise likely death toll in London high-rise blaze

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The number of people killed or presumed dead in the London high-rise fire has inched up to 80, but the final death toll may not be known for months, British police said at a grim briefing Wednesday.

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