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Новости за 04.06.2017

Vets come together to raise flag for Medal of Honor recipient

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An Alabama organization travelled to Gallup, New Mexico last month to raise the flag in recognition of Korean War Veteran and Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Hiroshi "Hershey" Miyamura, the Gallup Independent reported

Navy SEAL honored with underwater memorial

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Adam Brown was said to have lived life with an uncommon resolve, so it's not surprising how the underwater memorial honoring the fallen Navy SEAL found its place at the toe of Blakely Mountain Dam.

Bahrain shuts down prominent newspaper amid crackdown

Stars and Stripes 

Bahrain shut down a prominent independent newspaper Sunday "until further notice" over an article about unrest in Morocco, the latest move tightening expression in the Gulf nation as authorities wage a crackdown on dissent.

Must-do for Congress: Raise debt limit, pass spending bills

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Even members of his own party were quick to declare President Donald Trump's budget plan dead on arrival in Congress last month. And in fact, lawmakers are facing a burst of overdue budget-related work this summer.

12 arrested in London's night of terror; ISIS claims attack

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British police arrested a dozen people Sunday in a widening terrorism investigation after attackers using a van and large knives turned a balmy evening of nightlife into a bloodbath and killed seven people in the heart of London.

12 arrested in London's night of terror; IS claims attack

Stars and Stripes 

British police arrested a dozen people Sunday in a widening terrorism investigation after attackers using a van and large knives turned a balmy evening of nightlife into a bloodbath and killed seven people in the heart of London.

Police arrest 12 after night of terror in heart of London

Stars and Stripes 

British police arrested a dozen people Sunday in a widening terrorism investigation after attackers using a van and large knives turned a balmy evening of nightlife into a bloodbath and killed seven people in the heart of London.

UK leader: Islamic extremism must be contained after attack

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Prime Minister Theresa May Sunday called for tougher measures to fight Islamic extremism after attackers using a vehicle and knives killed seven people in a busy area of London and disrupted Britain's election campaign just days before a nationwide vote.

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After liberation from IS, Fallujah struggles to rebuild

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Even as Iraqi forces in Mosul close in on the last pockets of urban territory still held by the Islamic State group, residents of Fallujah in Iraq's Sunni heartland are still struggling to rebuild nearly a year after their neighborhoods were declared liberated from the extremists.

After liberation from ISIS, Fallujah struggles to rebuild

Stars and Stripes 

Even as Iraqi forces in Mosul close in on the last pockets of urban territory still held by the Islamic State group, residents of Fallujah in Iraq's Sunni heartland are still struggling to rebuild nearly a year after their neighborhoods were declared liberated from the extremists.

Fort Bliss soldiers compete for German military award

Stars and Stripes 

Over four days during the past two weeks, 65 soldiers underwent testing to see if they measured up and qualified for the German Armed Forces Badge for Military Proficiency, or the German Proficiency Badge for short.

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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