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Новости за 16.06.2017

Body of WWII pilot returns home after 76 years

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Thanks to the persistence of two nieces born after his death, U.S. Navy pilot John Dean Armstrong will be buried with full military honors in his hometown of Hutchinson, Kansas, on Saturday.

Palestinian attackers killed after killing Israeli officer

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Three Palestinians armed with an automatic weapon and knives killed a young female officer on duty near Jerusalem's Old City in near simultaneous attacks at two locations Friday evening, before they were shot and killed.

Search suspended for 2 missing swimmers in Atlantic City

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The search for two missing swimmers off Atlantic City was suspended by the Coast Guard on Friday, as a 12-year-old girl remained on life support following a separate swimming accident in Belmar that killed her cousin.

Border Patrol raids desert aid camp, arrests 4 from Mexico

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Border Patrol agents descended on a medical camp set up in the Arizona desert to provide refuge and water for migrants in the scorching summer heat, arresting four migrants who were receiving aid after spending several days in the desert.

Border Patrol arrests 4 men at medical camp run by aid group

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Border Patrol agents descended on a medical camp set up in the Arizona desert to provide refuge and water for migrants in the scorching summer heat, arresting four migrants who were receiving aid after spending several days in the desert.

Woman who sent texts urging suicide guilty of manslaughter

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A woman who sent her boyfriend a barrage of text messages urging him to kill himself when they were both teenagers was convicted Friday of involuntary manslaughter in a trial that raised questions of whether words can kill.

Fort Hood gets personnel boost from Congress

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The post will see the return of an aviation training brigade — and about 137 soldiers — to its 1st Army Division West, which trains and mobilizes Army Reserve and National Guard units at Fort Hood.

Djibouti says Eritrean soldiers occupy disputed area

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Djibouti has lodged a formal complaint with the African Union after accusing soldiers from neighboring Eritrea of occupying a contested mountainous area after Qatari peacekeepers left the region this week, an official said.

Uncertainty over Islamic State leader's fate after airstrike

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Uncertainty and confusion surrounded the fate of the head of the Islamic State group Friday as Russia announced it may have killed him in an airstrike targeting a meeting of IS leaders just outside the group's self-declared capital in Syria, but U.S. officials said there was no definitive proof of his death.

Pentagon: No decision yet on Afghanistan troop deployment

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Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has yet to decide how many additional American troops he will send to Afghanistan to bolster the deadlocked fight with Taliban and Islamic State insurgents under his revised strategy for the nearly 16-year war, Pentagon officials said Friday.

Navy seeks comment on Hawaii waste mitigation plan

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The Navy is proposing to add cover material, put in place erosion control measures, add perimeter warning signs and conduct a review every five years at the industrial site.

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London fire a window into West’s woes

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Some of the theories about the fire may prove to be overblown. But that such ideas are even being aired tells you a lot about the problems festering in British society.

Amphibious assaults: Antiquated or awe-inspiring?

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NATO forces completed a mock amphibious assault in northern Poland as part of Exercise Baltic Operations, giving U.S. Marines a rare chance to practice a skill that has languished over the years: a shoreline assault.

Key moments in Russia's campaign, involvement in Syrian war

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Moscow says it is verifying whether a Russian airstrike in Syria late last month may have killed the leader of the Islamic State group. If confirmed, the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi would be a huge military coup for Moscow as a key player in Syria's civil war — in which it has sided with President Bashar Assad's forces — and strengthen its hand in future peace talks.

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Полина Михайлова

Россиянка Полина Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису


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