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Новости за 24.06.2017

Egypt's president ratifies disputed Saudi islands pact

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Egypt's president on Saturday ratified a disputed 2016 agreement under which his country would transfer control of two strategic Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia, following through on his assertion earlier this week that the matter was closed.

Coast Guard launches search near Florida for missing diver

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The U.S. Coast Guard is searching the waters off Florida for a missing diver. Authorities said they were looking for a diver who went missing about half-a-mile away from Lauderdale-by-the Sea, which is in South Florida.

Pakistan, accused of terrorist infiltration, starts to fence its border with Afghanistan

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The 1,800-mile border between Pakistan and India has long been treated as a hostile red line between neighboring, nuclear-armed rivals. Its sole official crossing is a heavily guarded military post. In contrast, Pakistan's 1,500-mile border with Afghanistan has always been more porous and politically complicated. Thousands of cargo trucks traverse its two major crossings every week. Now, with thousands of steel posts and scrolls of deadly razor wire, Pakistan is trying to remove all such ambiguity.

Obama nostalgia is a booming industry in the Trump era

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While much of the world obsesses about the musings of President Donald Trump, a new market for Obama nostalgia is manifest in the growing number of books, podcasts and TV and film treatments by or involving young veterans from the Obama stable.

UK finds 34 high-rise apartment buildings with unsafe siding

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Britain's fire-safety crisis expanded substantially Saturday as authorities said 34 high-rise apartment blocks across the country had cladding that failed fire safety tests. London officials scrambled to evacuate four public housing towers after experts found them "not safe for people to sleep in overnight."

Authorities: Texas mom left 2 kids in hot car as punishment

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A Texas woman told investigators that she left her 2-year-old daughter and 16-month-old son in a hot car where they died last month to teach the girl a lesson and that they didn't lock themselves in, as she initially reported, according to sheriff's officials.

In Trump era, mental health experts are rethinking Goldwater Rule

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Since Donald Trump became president, commentary about his public statements, tweeting habits, predilections and even his personality has become something of a national pastime. Some in the professional psychiatric community have been moved to join in. But should they? Not according to the American Psychiatric Association.

Trump labors to make Mueller-Comey tie a key talking point

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President Donald Trump and his associates have repeatedly tried to draw attention to the relationship between former FBI directors Robert Mueller and James Comey, saying the two have a personal bond that could disqualify Mueller from credibly serving as special counsel in charge of the Russia investigation.

Russia says US interferes in its affairs

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The Russian government has steadfastly denied that it hacked or otherwise interfered in last year’s U.S. presidential election. Now, some Russian officials are saying America is meddling in Moscow’s domestic affairs. The U.S. has been doing it for years, they say.

Russian official linked to South Florida biker club spent millions on Trump condos

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Out-of-town money pouring into South Florida real estate is as old as Henry Flagler. But the tale of Igor Zorin offers a 21st-century twist with all the weirdness modern Miami has to offer: Russian cash, a motorcycle club named after Russia’s powerful special forces and a condo tower branded by Donald Trump.

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UAE: Arab states don't seek 'regime change' in Qatar

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A top United Arab Emirates official said Saturday the Arab countries isolating Qatar do not seek to force out the country's leadership over allegations it supports extremist ideology but are willing to cut ties altogether if it does not agree to their demands.

Trump policy might cut off remittances to 1 million Cubans

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William LeoGrande, an American University professor who specializes in U.S.-Cuba relations, says a provision in President Donald Trump’s new Cuba policy could cut off remittances to more than 1 million Cubans.

2 Dutch journalists freed unharmed by Colombian rebels

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Two Dutch journalists have been freed unharmed after being held captive for almost a week by leftist rebels in Colombia, the Dutch foreign minister said Saturday. One of the journalists said they were treated well but conditions in the jungle are difficult in any case.

Austria cracks down on Turkish citizens with 2 passports

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With his rich Tyrolean accent, Mehmet Altin appears to be a native of the alpine Austrian province. But the campground operator who moved to a sleepy mountain village decades ago could lose his adopted country's citizenship, along with potentially thousands of others targeted by a crackdown on immigrants illegally holding both Turkish and Austrian passports.

Yemen to probe alleged interrogation abuses by UAE, US

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Yemen's internationally-recognized government on Saturday ordered the creation of a committee to investigate allegations of human rights violations, following reports that U.S. military interrogators worked with forces from the United Arab Emirates who are accused of torturing detainees in Yemen.

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Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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Прокуратура Москвы: тело мужчины нашли в лесопарке в Сокольниках

Путин в России и мире

Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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