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Новости за 10.06.2017

Why terror suspects in Europe slip through security cracks

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How could Youssef Zaghba, a terror suspect be on Italy's watch list and not in the British one? And why didn't the presence of Zaghba's name in the SIS prompt U.K. authorities to keep an eye on him? The London Bridge attack raises issue about the sharing of security information between European countries, at a time when terrorists have been shown to move often across the E.U.'s open borders.

Calais 'Jungle' is gone, but France's migrant crisis is far from over

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the French government – after a devastating sequence of terrorist attacks and the spike in anti-immigrant rhetoric that followed – demolished the Calais refugee camp. The migrants there were either transported to "welcome centers" throughout France or simply evicted from the makeshift city that teemed with smugglers and violence. Though the Jungle is gone, many migrants still in France now sleep on the streets.

Warship USS Gabrielle Giffords commissioned in Texas

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The Navy's newest combat ship was put into active service following a commissioning ceremony Saturday, named after former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords who was injured during a 2011 shooting.

Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

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Puerto Rico's governor announced that the U.S. territory has overwhelmingly chosen statehood in a nonbinding referendum Sunday held amid a deep economic crisis that has sparked an exodus of islanders to the U.S. mainland.

Puerto Rico prepares to vote on statehood amid crisis

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Puerto Rico's governor is pushing ahead with his top campaign promise of trying to convert the U.S. territory into a state, holding a Sunday referendum to let voters send a message to Congress.

Last Men meet annually to toast fellow World War II veterans

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The pact in 1955 was that the original 41 World War II veteran members would reunite once a year, help each other out when needed, support families after deaths and, when there was one man left, he would toast his longevity with a glass of bubbly. George Delaplaine Jr. and Raymond F. Gafney, have been the last two men to gather for annual club meetings for the last six years now.

Arab states in row with Qatar laud Trump's supportive stance

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Arab states that have laid virtual siege on Qatar praised U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday for enthusiastically supporting their stance when he called on the Gulf state to stop "the funding of terrorism."

Puerto Rican parade tries to move past storm over militant

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New York City's Puerto Rican Day Parade will take place Sunday amid a furor over one participant, a man who spent 35 years in prison for his involvement with group responsible for bombings that killed and maimed dozens in the 1970s and 1980s.

Sargent’s passes, stingy D boost Kadena to Torii Bowl title

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Dallas Sargent and Kadena left nothing to chance in Saturday’s Torii Bowl, earning redemption for a heartbreaking overtime defeat in 2016 by leaving nothing to chance in the 2017 U.S. Forces Japan-American Football League title game.

Merkel seeks to ease tensions with military

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel is praising the country's army as "indispensable" amid friction between military and government over the handling of a series of scandals in the Bundeswehr.

UK prime minister's top aides resign after election fiasco

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The two top aides to British Prime Minister Theresa May resigned Saturday, shouldering some of the blame for an election that proved a disaster for the Conservative Party, a headache for Britain's exit from the European Union — and potentially a fatal blow to May's premiership.

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ISIS propaganda takes hit from killings, battlefield setbacks

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The Islamic State group's propaganda machine used to be confident, promising that its self-declared caliphate would be "lasting and expanding." But in recent months, as the group's territory has shrunk, its messages have as well.

13 Philippine marines killed in fighting with militants

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Thirteen Philippine marines were killed in fierce fighting with Muslim militants who have laid siege to southern Marawi city for nearly a month in the biggest single-day loss for government forces, the military said Saturday.

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