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Новости за 01.06.2017

Stolen computer code helped a biker gang steal 150 Jeeps

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In a cross-border auto heist that resembles a scrapped plot from the "Fast and the Furious" franchise, nine members of a Tijuana-based biker club have been charged with stealing 150 Jeep Wranglers using stolen computer code and key designs, the Justice Department announced earlier this week.

She's paralyzed. He has no arms. Together, they're a sleek athletic team.

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In 1974, Kerry Gruson was interviewing a veteran Green Beret who had a flashback, mistook her for a Viet Cong and strangled her, leaving her quadriplegic and neurologically disabled. Two decades later, Hector Picard received 13,000 volts of electricity from a substation transformer, requiring the amputation of his entire right arm and half of his left one. On Wednesday, the two combined forces to take part in a 50-mile bicycle race through the Florida Keys.

Gunman storms Philippine casino, police suspect robbery

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Gunshots and explosions rang out early Friday at a mall, casino and hotel complex near Manila's international airport in the Philippine capital, sparking a security alarm amid an ongoing Muslim militant siege in the country's south.

Senate to hear from Comey; Dems raise new Session questions

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James Comey, fired last month as FBI director amid a federal investigation into connections between Russia and the Trump campaign, is set to testify next Thursday at a highly anticipated congressional hearing that could shed light on his private conversations with the president in the weeks before the dismissal.

Former Air Force secretary to join Textron board

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Former Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James has been elected to the board of directors of Textron Aviation’s parent company. She served as the 23rd Air Force Secretary under former President Barack Obama.

ECHL Norfolk Admirals unveil new logo that keeps Navy theme

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The hockey team's logo dispenses with the battleship theme that dominated the previous one. The original logo from 1989 and the primary emblem of the United States Navy influenced the design of the new logo, according to the team.

6 South Korean jets diverted to Yokota Air Base

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Six South Korean F-16 jet fighters were diverted to a U.S. military base in Tokyo after a refueling aircraft malfunctioned, U.S. Forces Japan officials said Thursday.

Navy to hire more than 2,000 new federal shipyard workers

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The Navy wants to hire about 2,000 new shipyard workers to help make more repairs to surface warships and keep them in service longer, said Vice Adm. Thomas Moore, the Navy’s top commander for ship maintenance.

Navy gets its Ford: $12.9 billion aircraft carrier delivered

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The U.S. Navy has officially received the first of a whole new class of aircraft carriers. The Navy announced Thursday that the USS Gerald R. Ford will now go through various workups at sea before becoming operational in 2020.

Музыкальные новости

Красноярцы и Джиган рассмешили Артемия Лебедева и вышли в финал «Звезд»

Персональные новости

В Московской области сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в краже дорогостоящего электрооборудования

Trump serves up praise that is ‘unbelievable’

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Unbelievable is one of those words Trump uses when he wants you to think he is saying something is better than just wonderful. He sure doesn’t want you to take him literally. Believe me.

France warns of risk of war in cyberspace

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Cyberspace faces an approaching risk of "permanent war" between states and criminal or extremist organizations because of increasingly destructive hacking attacks, the head of the French government's cybersecurity agency warned Thursday.

Air Force veteran went from flight chief to marijuana cultivation

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Inside his large corner office at the marijuana cultivation facility, U.S. Air Force veteran Ryan Reese kept a model U-2 on his desk and a copy of Time magazine – a special edition about the booming business of pot. In the past two years, he's traded one world for the other.

Tiger Woods seen confused, stumbling on police dashcam video

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His speech slow and slurred, Tiger Woods couldn't follow simple instructions or keep his balance during a dazed and disoriented encounter with police before he was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence.

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Команда Орловской области стала победителем хоккейного турнира среди команд Черноземья


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