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Новости за 17.06.2017

58 people confirmed or presumed dead from London tower fire

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Fifty-eight people who were in Grenfell Tower are still missing and are presumed to be dead, London police announced Saturday, raising the death toll in the horrific inferno that turned the public housing block into a charred hulk.

WWI ordnance donated to Pennsylvania church for sale

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The church was having a sale in its parking lot and people had dropped off items to be sold, South Whitehall police Chief John Christman said. One of the boxes left overnight contained the suspicious item, he said.

Tiny Qatar refuses to bend

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Qatar is the size of Connecticut, with a population of 2.6 million, only about 300,000 of them Qatari citizens. It’s oil- and gas-rich, and its leaders have managed to defy larger Arab neighbors in recent years in part by leveraging that wealth and ties with another neighbor, Iran, and the United States — 10,000 U.S. troops are based at Al Udeid Air Base outside Doha.

53 years later, Australia leaves Cyprus peacekeeping force

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With its flag lowered one final time, Australia on Friday ended 53 years of helping to keep the peace on ethnically divided Cyprus by pulling out its last three police officers serving with a United Nations peacekeeping force.

'I've never been so shaken': Increasing threats unnerve lawmakers

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A voicemail message directed to Arizona Rep. Martha McSally last month warned "our sights are set on you, right between your ... eyes." She's not alone. Since the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Wednesday, members of Congress have spoken more freely about threats of physical violence or death directed towards them.

Cosby judge declares mistrial as jury deadlocks again

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Bill Cosby's trial on sexual assault charges ended without a verdict Saturday after jurors failed to reach a unanimous decision in a case that helped destroy the 79-year-old comedian's image as "America's Dad."

Why Gaza is experiencing a new power crisis

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The Gaza Strip is in the midst of an electricity shortage that has left residents with just a few hours of power a day, turning many aspects of everyday life in the Hamas-ruled territory upside down and raising concerns about a humanitarian crisis.

Teaching, coaching at Hermon 'like a vacation' for retired Army tank commander

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First-year hHigh school softball coach Rob Jenkins doesn’t consider his job to be very stressful. After serving in the Army for 22 years, including three tours of duty in Iraq, Jenkins has developed a healthy perspective on life. He was a tank commander and he also drove Stryker Combat Vehicles.

His old Army house: Curator restoring Fort Revere officers' quarters

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Larry Seaboyer would be the first to say the century-old officers' quarters house at Fort Revere is in bad shape. When the property's new curator moved into the state-owned house a couple of weeks ago, he and his son had to remove a raccoon family from the attic.

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Stables program heals veterans one ride at a time

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When retired Army veteran Kevin MacDonald walked into Giant City Stables for the first time, it was because he got a phone call from the Marion VA wondering if he would be interested in participating in a pilot project. The project offered equine therapy to veterans suffering from PTSD and other mental health issues through Specialized Equine Services' therapeutic program, which was already in place at the stables.

Hampton students build oyster reef at Langley Air Force Base marina

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A science teacher specialist at Hampton City Schools, McAllister was at the marina at Langley Air Force Base with educators and two dozen fifth-graders from Booker Elementary who had arrived to build the school's first oyster reef on the Back River. "Here come your babies!" McAllister shouted. "Here come your babies!"

Lone Survivor Foundation building community support for planned retreat

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Terry Jung, the executive director of the Lone Survivor Foundation, was looking for support. Months after the foundation announced plans to build a retreat north of Fayetteville, Jung was at the site of the Lone Survivor Foundation’s future East Coast facility in search of something far more important than donations, he said.

What went wrong with the F-35, Lockheed Martin's Joint Strike Fighter?

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Officially begun in 2001, with roots extending back to the late 1980s, the F-35 program is nearly a decade behind schedule, and has failed to meet many of its original design requirements. It’s also become the most expensive defense program in world history, at around US$1.5 trillion before the fighter is phased out in 2070.

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