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Новости за 03.06.2017

UN votes to add 15 North Koreans, 4 entities to UN blacklist

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The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Friday to add 15 individuals and four entities linked to North Korea's nuclear and missile programs to a U.N. sanctions blacklist, but Chinese opposition blocked tough new sanctions the United States was pushing.

'America first' policy changes US role on global stage

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President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement is the most concrete sign yet that his “America first” approach to foreign policy has begun to disrupt the global order and ultimately could cede Washington’s dominant role on the world stage to China.

Wounded soldier who came back a hero from Afghanistan was then demoted

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In January 2013, Sgt. Joe Schicker was Missouri’s hero. A member of the Missouri National Guard, he had been injured while deployed in Afghanistan. When Schicker returned from serving in Afghanistan, he was told there wasn’t an E-8 rank slot available for him in his unit. If he wanted to keep the same job, he would have to accept a demotion to E-7. Otherwise, he’d have to find another job in a different unit.

Fort Bragg combat teams continue to prep for summer deployment

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Deployment preparations have been months in the making — long before the news of the deployment was public. Soldiers went through an increasingly complex series of training exercises on Fort Bragg, the latest of which was conducted with help from officials based out of the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana.

New Mexico delegation members: F-16s moving to Holloman AFB

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Members of New Mexico's congressional delegation say the Air Force is giving the final go-ahead to move two F-16 squadrons at least temporarily from Hill Air Force Base in Utah to Holloman Air Force Base in southern New Mexico.

Veteran to swim from Pentagon to Norfolk to raise awareness of suicide

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There are roughly 220 miles of water between the Pentagon and Naval Air Station Norfolk, and that reminds Bobby Powell of a statistic he heard that haunts him. “The information came out several years ago that on average, 22 vets a day kill themselves,” Powell said. So he decided to embark on a 220-mile swim to raise awareness of the issue.

Joint patrols to target Asia's Islamic militants

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Malaysia said Saturday that it will work with the Philippines and Indonesia to conduct joint patrols in the Sulu Sea targeted at members of the Islamic State group.

We may owe our lives to a back channel with Russia

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Jared Kushner is not the first member of a presidential family to try to open a back channel with the Kremlin. John F. Kennedy's brother Robert met secretly with a Soviet intelligence agent named Georgi Bolshakov many times during the Kennedy administration. Their dealings illustrate the shortcomings and dangers of informal high-level diplomacy - but also the potential for breakthrough in a crisis.

Pakistan freezes accounts of 5,000 suspected militants

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Pakistan has frozen the accounts of 5,000 suspected militants, taking about $3 million out of their pockets, but Islamabad could still come under scrutiny at a crucial June meeting of an international watchdog that tracks terror financing.

Navy hero honored in NY hometown, 75 years after Midway

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C. Wade McClusky Jr. faced a tough decision on June 4, 1942: turn his low-on-fuel U.S. Navy air squadron around or keep searching for the Japanese fleet headed for Midway. He decided to go on and wound up changing history.

Terror warning shut down German rock festival on opening night

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German authorities allowed a popular rock festival to resume Saturday after a scare over people with suspected links to Islamic extremism prompted them to curtail its opening night. They said searches of the site turned up no suspicious objects.

Security footage reveals methodical gunman in casino attack

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The security footage shows the man responsible for one of the Philippine capital's deadliest attacks in years casually exiting a taxi just after midnight and walking calmly into a vast entertainment and gambling complex like any other visitor.

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Finland can teach the world how to stand up to the Russians

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How Finland has managed to stay independent the past 100 years could hold valuable lessons. Russia's annexation of Crimea has raised tensions on the continent to their highest level since the end of the Cold War and the U.S. election of President Donald Trump is raising doubts about the post-World War II political order.

Vietnam vet awarded Purple Heart 48 years after coming home

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David Stull stood in the front of a packed hall, a Purple Heart medal awarded nearly five decades after he came home from war pinned on his jacket lapel. Dozens of people were on their feet, clapping, cheering and whistling. When the room quieted down, Stull, 76, thanked his wife and told the crowd: “You know, if we would have had a welcome like this when we got home...”

Bombers kill at least 6 attending Kabul funeral

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At least six people were killed Saturday when a trio of suicide bombers struck a funeral attended by senior government officials, just three days after a powerful truck bomb in one of the most heavily guarded parts of the capital killed 90 people and wounded more than 450.

Soldier killed in Korean War to be buried in NJ

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Army Pfc. Walter Piper died on June 18, 1951, of wounds received during the Battle of Hoengsong about four months earlier, according to Korean War Project Remembrance. His remains were not recovered until 1990 and not identified until April. On June 17, he will be buried with full military honors at the Gloucester County Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Williamstown, N.J.

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