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Новости за 23.06.2017

Air Force says tornado damaged 2 'Doomsday' 747s

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A tornado that struck in Omaha last week damaged two of the “Doomsday” 747 aircraft that serve as the national command center for the United States in the case of an attack, the Air Force said Friday.

Senators seek Pentagon investigation of torture reports

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Pressure mounted Friday on the Defense Department after multiple U.S. senators called for investigations into reports that U.S. military interrogators worked with forces from the United Arab Emirates who are accused of torturing detainees in Yemen.

Senators ask military to clarify US role in Yemen torture

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Two senior U.S. senators are asking Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to investigate reports that U.S. military interrogators worked with forces from the United Arab Emirates accused of torturing detainees in Yemen.

Trump signs law to make VA more accountable for vets' care

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President Donald Trump signed a bill into law Friday that will make it easier for the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire employees, part of a push to overhaul an agency that is struggling to serve millions of military vets.

After demands aired, solution to Qatar crisis seems far off

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With just days to decide, Qatar on Friday weighed an onerous list of demands by its neighbors as a way out of a regional crisis, and a top Emirati official warned the tiny country to brace for a long-term economic squeeze unless it is willing to acquiesce.

When political differences become contempt

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The culture of contempt permeating our politics has now had near-fatal consequences. We need to put on the brakes and learn how to distinguish once again between our opponents and our enemies.

Why Republicans will pass health bill

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Health care legislation is a vehicle to achieve a pre-eminent goal of the Republican Party — transferring more wealth to the wealthy.

Navy disciplining 9 sailors for 94,000 gallon jet fuel spill

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The Navy is disciplining nine sailors for their roles in a 94,000-gallon fuel spill that killed nearby wildlife, prompted families to temporarily leave their homes and cost the service $3.8 million to date, an official said Friday.

Military heads want transgender enlistment hold

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Military chiefs will seek a six-month delay before letting transgender people enlist in their services, officials said Friday. After meetings this week, the service leaders hammered out an agreement that rejected Army and Air Force requests for a two-year wait and reflected broader concerns that a longer delay would trigger criticism on Capitol Hill, officials familiar with the talks said.

Pentagon: Top ISIS financier killed in airstrike

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A blacklisted top Islamic State financier was killed last week in an airstrike by the U.S.-led, anti-ISIS coalition inside one of the group’s final strongholds along the Euphrates River in eastern Syria, the Pentagon said Friday.

Israel: Hezbollah uses NGO to conceal border posts

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Israel has filed a complaint with the U.N. Security Council accusing the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah of setting up observation outposts along the border on land purportedly used by an environmental advocacy group.

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Концерт «7 хитов И.С.Баха» в Эрмитажном театре

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Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

As Russia launches missiles into Syria, US faces strategic dilemma

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Russia launched a flurry of cruise missiles into Syria Friday, targeting Islamic State fighters with a strike that also demonstrates Moscow’s ability to use its muscle to advance the interests of a Syrian government hostile to U.S.-backed militias.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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