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Новости за 18.06.2017

Iran's Revolutionary Guard strikes Syria for Tehran attacks

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Iran's Revolutionary Guard said Sunday it launched missiles into eastern Syria targeting Islamic State militants in response to an attack on Iran's parliament and a shrine in Tehran, warning that it would similarly retaliate on anyone else carrying out attacks in Iran.

Researchers identify 718 nameless veterans buried at Mount Moriah Cemetery

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Hundreds of U.S. Navy officers and sailors have lain for decades under the anonymity of inscrutable gravestones at Mount Moriah, a 19th century cemetery whose 380 acres span Southwest Philadelphia and Yeadon Borough. For many of the dead, time wore away their names. For others, long-ago conflicts stole not only their lives but their identities, rendering them “unknown” — though not, as it turns out, for eternity.

Gunmen attack resort in Mali's capital, killing 2

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Jihadis attacked a hotel resort Sunday in Mali's capital, taking hostages at a spot popular with foreigners on the weekends. More than 30 people managed to escape though at least two people were killed, authorities said.

Suspected jihadists attack spa in Mali's capital, 2 dead

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Suspected jihadists launched an attack Sunday on a hotel resort in Mali's capital, taking hostages at a spot popular with foreigners on the weekends. The number of casualties was unclear in the assault, which continued through the afternoon, authorities said.

Afghan war faces flurry of setbacks as new US military policy nears

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As American military officials complete plans that will likely send several thousand additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan, a flurry of setbacks in the war has underscored both the imperative of action and the pitfalls of various approaches.

Tillerson takes over as mediator of Persian Gulf dispute

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Efforts to end a two-week-old crisis in the Persian Gulf shifted to the U.S., as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson canceled a trip to Mexico to try to end a Saudi-led coalition’s isolation of Qatar.

ISIS threat in Southeast Asia raises alarm in Washington

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Southeast Asia's jihadis who fought by the hundreds for the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria now have a different battle closer to home in the southern Philippines. It's a scenario raising significant alarm in Washington.

Philippines eyes truce with communist rebels amid siege

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The Philippine government said Sunday that it would suspend offensives against communist guerrillas to reciprocate a similar plan by the insurgents and allow troops to focus on quelling a bloody siege by Islamic State group-aligned militants that has dragged on for nearly a month in a southern city.

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Officials: Building materials in London fire under scrutiny

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The British government Sunday scrambled to contain political fallout from the London high-rise inferno that has claimed at least 58 lives as officials focused on building materials that may have spread the fire quickly.

Iraqi troops move into Mosul's Old City, last ISIS stronghold

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U.S.-backed Iraqi troops pushed into the last Islamic State stronghold in the country's second largest city of Mosul on Sunday, an Iraqi commander said, formally launching the final major battle of an eight-month campaign.

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