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Новости за 29.06.2017

UN votes to sharply reduce peacekeepers in Sudan's Darfur

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The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved a resolution Thursday sharply reducing the joint United Nations-African Union peacekeeping force in Sudan's troubled Darfur region, a move pressed by the United States that will save hundreds of millions of dollars.

Syrian family on cusp of resettlement resigned to travel ban

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A month before Donald Trump assumed the U.S. presidency, Mohammad Al-Haj Ali, a 28-year old Syrian with a second child on the way, was taking cultural sensitivity classes in Jordan to prepare to start a new life in Illinois.

House panel clears defense policy bill, but squeeze may be coming

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The House Armed Services Committee cleared a $696.5 billion fiscal 2018 defense authorization bill early Thursday, but supporters warn it will be sliced back if the 2010 Budget Control Act (BCA) isn’t repealed or if Congress lets bitter partisanship continue to produce late and unstable budgets for the military.

Vietnam-era Marine helps veterans with health care, housing

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When Jim Manley joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1958 just prior to the large-scale involvement of the U.S. military in the Vietnam War he saw military service as an opportunity to give back to his country.

VA's foray into WiFi equipment tracking faced 'catastrophic failure'

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Four years after the VA awarded a half-billion-dollar IT contract — so big that one executive predicted it would jumpstart an entire industry — Austin-based VA officials warned that the fledgling effort to digitally track medical equipment was in danger of “catastrophic failure.”

Fort Bragg soldier arrested on child porn charges

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A soldier stationed at the Fort Bragg Army base in North Carolina was arrested by local authorities on a Polk County, Fla., warrant for 10 felony counts of possession of child pornography.

GOP may keep some Obama tax hikes to save health care bill

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Top Senate Republicans on Thursday considered keeping President Barack Obama's tax increase on wealthier people's investments and using the money to bolster their proposed health care subsidies in a bid to mollify moderate GOP lawmakers and salvage the party's struggling bill.

A Mosul mosque in rubble, victim of militants' destruction

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The Islamic State group has been on a rampage of destruction of monuments from across eras ever since it overran much of Iraq and Syria in 2014. The reasons boil down to the militants' fervor to erase from history whatever doesn't conform to their vision.

5 found guilty in Russian opposition leader's murder trial

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A jury convicted five men Thursday in the assassination of opposition leader Boris Nemtsov on a bridge near the Kremlin two years ago, ending a trial that his supporters said had failed to bring the true masterminds of the brazen killing to justice.

White House: Trump to meet Putin at G-20 summit

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President Donald Trump will hold a high stakes meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin when he attends the G-20 summit in Germany next week, the White House said Thursday.

Global cyberattack may have aimed for havoc, not extortion

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The cyberattack that has locked up computers around the world while demanding a ransom may not be an extortion attempt after all, but something more sinister: an effort to create havoc in Ukraine, security experts say.

Pentagon: ISIS could be defeated in Mosul in days

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Iraqi forces who fled in droves three years ago amid the Islamic State’s blitzkrieg across northern Iraq could declare victory within days in Mosul, once a stronghold for the terrorist group, a U.S. military official said Thursday.

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US quietly publishes once-expunged papers on 1953 Iran coup

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Once expunged from its official history, documents outlining the U.S.-backed 1953 coup in Iran have been quietly published by the State Department, offering a new glimpse at an operation that ultimately pushed the country toward its Islamic Revolution and hostility with the West.

Syrian US-backed forces seize last route into Raqqa

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U.S.-backed fighters have seized the last road into Raqqa and are moving eastward along the river south of the city, almost completing the siege on the militants' de-facto capital, U.S. officials and a Syria war monitor said Thursday.

Review: More Carell, but fewer ideas in 'Despicable Me 3'

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One of the many — and we mean many — subplots in “Despicable Me 3” is about a girl’s obsession with finding a unicorn. The adorable tot spends her waking hours wishing and hoping and dreaming, and she comes close — but in the end what she finds is a sweet little goat. It’s very cute, and it does the trick — but it’s still, you know, a goat.

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