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Новости за 19.06.2017

Syria brings new urgency to easing US-Russia tensions

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The U.S. shoots down a Syrian fighter jet for the first time. Syria attacks America's allies against Islamic State militants. Iran fires missiles into Syria. Russia threatens to target U.S. coalition planes.

Trump welcomes president of Panama to White House

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President Donald Trump welcomed the president of Panama to the White House on Monday, pointing to the United States' role in the construction of the Panama Canal at the start of his first face-to-face meeting with the Central American leader.

Review: Watts' talents can't save the tale of the boy genius 'Henry'

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It's been 16 years since Naomi Watts first knocked our socks off in David Lynch's "Mulholland Dr.," the kind of dream showcase that an actor can count herself lucky to encounter once in a lifetime. It's no knock on her talent to suggest that she has never had a role as rich, extreme or demanding since, though her brilliant performances in pictures as different as "21 Grams," "We Don't Live Here Anymore," "King Kong" and "The Impossible" found her scaling the estimable peak of her powers nonetheless.

Energy chief Perry: Carbon dioxide not prime driver of warming

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Energy Secretary Rick Perry said Monday he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming, a statement at odds with mainstream scientific consensus but in line with the head of the Environmental Protection Agency.

And so it begins: Brexit talks to focus first on orderly exit

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Talks on Britain leaving the European Union began Monday with both sides saying they will focus first on an orderly withdrawal: a deal for citizens living in each other's territory, border arrangements between Ireland and the U.K. and the amount that Britain will pay to get out of previous EU commitments.

Scientists are testing the political waters

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Across the country, scientists — card-carrying members of an elite that prizes expertise — are exiting their ivory towers to enter the political fray.

UK moves to ease tensions after van attack on London Muslims

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British authorities and Islamic leaders moved swiftly to ease concerns in the Muslim community after a man plowed a large van into a crowd of worshippers outside a north London mosque early Monday, injuring at least nine people.

Hickam-based lab identifies 5 missing war dead

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A 19-year-old who died in the Korean War and an 18-year-old who perished on the USS Oklahoma on Dec. 7, 1941, are among five identifications announced Friday by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency for return to family.

Car rams police vehicle on famed Paris avenue; attacker dies

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A man on the radar of French authorities was killed Monday after ramming a car carrying explosives into a police vehicle in the capital's Champs-Elysees shopping district, prompting a fiery blast, officials said.

Leaping into water tanks to escape Portugal's deadly fires

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Survivors emerged Monday with stories of leaping into water tanks and other dramatic escapes from the forest fires scorching central Portugal, and authorities came under mounting criticism for not doing more to prevent Portugal's deadliest natural disaster in decades.

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Review: 'All Eyez on Me’ not quite worthy of its subject

Stars and Stripes 

Rapper Tupac Shakur was a revolutionary, a controversial, brilliant artist cut down in his prime, who only became more iconic after his death. The son of a Black Panther, a high school chum of Jada Pinkett Smith, and a vanguard of West Coast gangsta rap, Shakur endured, and produced, far more in his 25 years than most ever do, and his life story has been overdue for the biopic treatment, especially in light of the films about his rivals and contemporaries such as “Notorious” and “Straight Outta Compton.” After a long gestation... Читать дальше...

Navy finds $500 million for 2nd littoral combat ship in 2018

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The U.S. Navy has found $500 million to buy a second Littoral Combat Ship in next year's budget after scrounging that was required because the vessel was left out of the Trump administration's proposed budget sent to Congress last month.

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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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