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Новости за 20.06.2017

The VA plans to get rid of 430 buildings in the next two years

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The facilities are either vacant or mostly vacant, according to a VA news release. Some of the buildings will be demolished, while others will be prepared for a different use. VA Secretary David Shulkin said the closures would come “as swiftly as possible.”

After Warmbier's death, US weighs travel ban on North Korea

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The Trump administration is considering banning travel by U.S. citizens to North Korea, officials said Tuesday, as outrage grew over the death of American student Otto Warmbier and President Donald Trump declared it a "total disgrace."

Syria troops position themselves at heart of war on ISIS

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Syrian government troops and their allies have steadily positioned themselves in key areas on the flanks of the U.S.-led coalition battle for the Islamic State's self-declared capital of Raqqa.

Shulkin: VA plans quicker action to stem employee drug theft

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Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin said Tuesday the department was taking immediate steps to remove employees found to have stolen opioid and other drugs from VA medical centers, citing a flawed accountability process that has delayed disciplinary action.

USS Mahan returns to Norfolk Naval Station

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The Arleigh Burke-class destroyer was deployed for the past seven months in the Middle East and Mediterranean, according to a Navy news release.

US expands Russia sanctions as Trump meets Ukrainian president

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The U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on more Russian companies and individuals as well as separatists in rebel-held areas of eastern Ukraine as President Donald Trump held White House talks with Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko.

Jordan court told of heavy fire in killing of 3 US troops

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A crime scene investigator told a military court Tuesday that three U.S. military trainers killed at the gate of a Jordanian air base had come under heavy fire, including from inside a nearby guard house.

McCain: Americans 'stupid' to travel to North Korea

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Sen. John McCain said Tuesday that Americans who are "stupid" enough to still want to travel to North Korea should be required to sign a waiver absolving the U.S. government of any blame should they be harmed while there.

Gun saturation, preoccupation: Scary pop culture

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Americans have always been fond of guns, but as an index on our current interest, try to count the number of gunshots you hear during the trailers for coming attractions the next time you go to the movies.

Recent uses of military lacked a strategic vision

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We have the strongest military in the world. What is rarely considered, however, is what the successful application of that military power is intended to accomplish.

This congressman’s going to carry a gun

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I owe it to the people in my community, God help me, to try to stop a threat to their safety, should it ever occur because of my presence.

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Paris: 4 family members detained after Champs-Elysees attack

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French police detained four family members of a man who was killed after ramming his car into a Paris police convoy, as authorities struggled to explain how the attacker was able to keep his gun permit despite being monitored for links to extremism.

Director, star reflect on long friendship and their latest film together

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Kirsten Dunst didn’t want to kiss anyone. She was 16 and had been playing a young innocent on-screen for a decade. Now, on the set of Sofia Coppola’s “The Virgin Suicides,” she was supposed to film a scene in which she made out with a handful of guys. And she was riddled with anxiety.

Cape Cod Coast Guard commended for helicopter rescue

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A U.S. Coast Guard rescue swimmer was awarded the distinguished Air Medal Monday for heroic action in the helicopter rescue of a 28-year-old man who had fallen 50 feet while free climbing in Maine last fall.

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Свёнтек разгромила Кырстю и вышла в 1/8 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


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