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Новости за 11.06.2017

US airstrike kills 8 militants in Somalia

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A U.S. airstrike killed eight militants Sunday in Somalia, where in recent months an Islamic extremist group has intensified operations against U.S.-backed forces and “cemented its control of southern and central Somalia,” the military said.

Police: Suspects in Manchester bombing freed without charge

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All the suspects arrested over last month's Manchester concert bombing have been released without charge, British police said Sunday, acknowledging that detectives are still not sure whether the attacker had accomplices.

Naval Academy historian says goodbye after 50 years

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In the 50 years Jim Cheevers has worked at the museum, he's been a reliable resource to alumni who call him from a bar about a bet they've made, a midshipman desperately trying to get an A on a history paper or a superintendent acclimating to his new role as head of the academy.

Qatar, in regional crisis, hires former US attorney general

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Qatar has paid $2.5 million to the law firm of a former attorney general under U.S. President George W. Bush to audit its efforts at stopping terrorism funding, a matter at the heart of the Gulf diplomatic crisis that erupted last week.

Erie, Pa., to host traveling World War II exhibit

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About half of the exhibit will focus on western Pennsylvania connections to World War II and half will chronicle home front life during the conflict, the city's industrial contribution to the war effort, and Erie County heroes.

Life under martial law in Duterte’s hometown

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Soon after Rodrigo Duterte declared martial law on Mindanao, soldiers parked a large tank in front of city hall in Davao, the Philippine president's home town and the largest city on the island. It immediately became an attraction, and locals now flock to the symbol of a new, more muscular approach to the country's problems.

Military couple tackles deployment side by side

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Husband and wife, both soldiers in the Louisiana Army National Guard, left central Louisiana recently for deployment to Kuwait. Over the next year, more than 160 soldiers in the unit will conduct missions in support of Operation Spartan Shield.

French president commemorates deadly World War II massacre

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French President Emmanuel Macron has called on young people to remember past wars and use democratic means to fight against today's barbarities during a commemoration at the site of the deadliest massacre in Nazi-occupied France.

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Paris prosecutor charge Notre Dame attacker

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The hammer-wielding man who attacked police officers patrolling in front of Notre Dame Cathedral appears to have radicalized himself through the internet and was unknown to French police and intelligence services, the chief prosecutor in Paris said Saturday.

Veteran’s taps tribute touches lives of beachgoers

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Every night on Siesta Key, when the sun slips two-thirds of the way down the horizon, beachgoers can hear the unmistakable first note of a bugle playing taps. It is always perfectly timed, with the last note occurring as the sun disappears, respects have been paid and another day is complete.

German police question 3 Britons after flight diverted

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German police are questioning three British citizens after their conversation during a flight to London prompted an EasyJet pilot to make an unscheduled stop in Cologne late Saturday.

May faces mounting pressure to step down

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The pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May to step aside following a humiliating election grew Saturday, with her two top aides resigning, a leading newspaper pronouncing her "fatally wounded" and a former minister acknowledging that Tories were plotting possible replacements via the messaging service WhatsApp.

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