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Новости за 13.06.2017

Gay couples fight to be included on birth certificates

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Couples involved in the suits say both names are needed on a birth certificate so that either parent can fulfill obligations like school enrollment or medical decisions. There's also a worry military benefits might not extend to children equally.

Vance Air Force Base hosts first LGBTQ Pride event

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Staff Sgt. Lesli Pape said Monday's Pride event was one of 11 observances throughout the year to promote acceptance of and equal opportunity for people from a variety of ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds.

Senate votes to support Trump's weapons sale to Saudi Arabia

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The Senate on Tuesday narrowly turned back a bipartisan bid to rebuke Saudi Arabia and reject President Donald Trump's plan to sell the kingdom more than $500 million in precision-guided munitions, sparing the new Republican administration an embarrassing defeat.

Wise move is to leave Mueller in place

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The president’s friends are now pressing the argument that Mueller must go. If so, this crippling scandal could veer into a much more dangerous phase of presidential lawlessness.

Tillerson warns against steps that cut off talks with Russia

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The U.S. relationship with Russia is at an all-time low and deteriorating further, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Tuesday, yet he cautioned against taking steps that might close off promising avenues of communication between the two former Cold War foes.

American student freed by North Korea arrives in Ohio

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An American college student whose parents say he has been in a coma while serving a 15-year prison term in North Korea was released and returned to the United States Tuesday as the Trump administration revealed a rare exchange with the reclusive country.

Family says US college student released by North Korea is in coma

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Otto Warmbier, an American college student serving a 15-year prison term in North Korea for alleged anti-state acts, was released and medically evacuated from the reclusive country Tuesday and has been in a coma for months, his parents said.

Prosecutors: Neo-Nazi plot targeted civilians, synagogues

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A self-proclaimed neo-Nazi arrested after agents found bomb-making materials in his Florida apartment while investigating the slayings of his two roommates planned to use the explosives to harm civilians, nuclear facilities and synagogues, federal prosecutors argued in court documents filed Monday.

Spokane initiative aims to connect veterans with the humanities

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The National Endowment for the Humanities recently allocated $100,000 for “Telling War,” a community-oriented project which aims to help veterans communicate their war experiences and reconnect with civilians at home.

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Mattis: New Afghanistan strategy will be ready by mid-July

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Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis said Tuesday that the White House would deliver its revised strategy for Afghanistan by mid-July, amid growing frustrations on Capitol Hill that the country’s security is worsening with no plan of action in sight.

Russian hacks on US voting system wider than previously known

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Russia's cyberattack on the U.S. electoral system before Donald Trump's election was far more widespread than has been publicly revealed, including incursions into voter databases and software systems in almost twice as many states as previously reported.

Philippines says it learned of city siege plans in advance

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The Philippine government learned days in advance of a plan by Muslim militants aligned with the Islamic State group to lay siege to a southern city, and staged an army raid on a militant hideout that prevented a bigger and deadlier attack, officials said Tuesday.

Trial begins for man accused of beating veteran to death

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Jabreeh Davis-Martin, 23 of South Bend, was charged with murder in connection to the death of 27-year-old Jodie Henderson. Davis-Martin allegedly killed the man because Henderson told him he loved him.

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