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Новости за 07.06.2017

Man accused in Portland stabbings targets victim in outburst

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The man accused of killing two men and wounding a third who tried to stop his anti-Muslim tirade against two teenagers on a Portland, Oregon, light-rail train shouted he was "not guilty" Wednesday during a courtroom outburst directed at one of the victims.

Islamic State claims stunning attack in heart of Iran

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The Islamic State group claimed responsibility Wednesday for a pair of stunning attacks on Iran's parliament and the tomb of its revolutionary leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, which killed at least 12 people and wounded more than 40.

French president Macron creates new counterterrorism unit

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French President Emmanuel Macron held a special meeting Wednesday to create a new counterterrorism unit to improve intelligence-sharing and elaborate security strategies, one day after a man attacked a police officer in front of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Attacker's mother says he was radicalized in Britain

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The youngest of the London Bridge attackers pleaded with his mother to settle with him in Syria but instead moved to Britain where his extremist views hardened and he fell into the company of a bloodthirsty gang that launched the latest attack on British streets, his mother said Wednesday.

Fort Bragg cavalry squadron adds Apache helicopters

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At Fort Bragg’s Simmons Army Airfield, the squadron welcomed the first six AH-64D Apache helicopters in a fleet that will eventually feature two dozen of the heavily-armed attack helicopters.

House seeks to pass VA accountability bill next week

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The House will vote next week on Senate-passed legislation to make firing employees easier for the troubled Department of Veterans Affairs, moving quickly on a long-sought accountability effort urged by President Donald Trump.

Maine student selected to visit Normandy, tell story of WWII hero

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Before 2nd Lieutenant Carl Alexander, a Mainer, took his last breath in 1944 in France, he told medics to turn their attention to someone they could save and gave his men their orders. This month, it will be up to high school junior Madison Taylor to tell his story.

Why child abuse in military families may be going unreported

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Advocates for children celebrated last year when President Barack Obama signed a law meant to keep military officials from concealing child abuse and neglect on military bases. But U.S. Department of Defense officials say the law doesn't address one key reason why military children who are mistreated may not be getting all the help they need.

Lawmakers decry Trump's proposed cuts in homeland spending

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Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly defended President Donald Trump's proposed budget cuts for his department, even as he told Congress that the United States "cannot invest too much in security" after recent terrorist attacks in Europe.

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Alleged Russian hack reveals a deeply flawed election system

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Election officials have long contended that the highly decentralized, often ramshackle U.S. voting system is its own best defense against vote-rigging and sabotage . New evidence from a leaked intelligence report indicates that hasn't deterred foreign adversaries from exploring ways to attack it anyway.

Myanmar navy ship, fishermen find bodies in search for plane

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Fishermen joined navy and air force personnel Thursday in recovering bodies and aircraft parts from the sea off Myanmar, where a military plane carrying 122 people including 15 children crashed a day earlier, officials said.

Myanmar adds ships, aircraft to search for missing plane

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A military transport plane with 120 people on board went missing Wednesday on a flight from southern Myanmar to Yangon, a military spokesman said. There were fears it may have crashed into the ocean, since its route would have taken it over the Andaman Sea.

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