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Новости за 26.06.2017

Top Russian and US diplomats discuss cease-fire for Syria

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The Russian Foreign Ministry says Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson talked Monday about the need to secure a cease-fire in Syria, fight extremist groups and prevent the use of chemical weapons.

1st military case in 'Fat Leonard' Navy bribery scandal begins

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While he was stationed in Singapore, a U.S. Navy commander ate suckling pigs worth $400 apiece, attended a Gucci fashion show with his wife and enjoyed the services of prostitutes — all courtesy of a Malaysian defense contractor, Navy prosecutors alleged Monday.

Armed Services panel chairman seeks $696 billion DOD budget

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Declaring the U.S. military in dire need of rebuilding, an influential House committee chairman pressed his case Monday for $696 billion defense budget in 2018 — more military spending than at any point during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

UAE military buildup draws scrutiny after Yemen allegations

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With soccer sponsorships, record-setting skyscrapers and wintertime golfing, the United Arab Emirates has projected an image of comfort and opportunity in a volatile region. But the quiet expansion of its military footprint is drawing a different kind of attention to the Gulf federation as it wades into some of the region's messiest conflicts.

GOP leaders add penalty for lapsed coverage to health bill

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Republican leaders added a penalty for people who've let their insurance lapse Monday as party leaders prepared to begin pushing their health care measure through the Senate, despite a rebellion within GOP ranks.

2 Marines suffer severe burns from F/A-18 flash fire

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Two Marine Corps maintainers working on an F/A-18 fighter jet were injured when a flash fire ignited as they were performing routine maintenance on the aircraft, the service said Monday.

Virginia-native hiking to raise funds for veterans

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Kasie Taylor is hiking the North Carolina Mountains-to-Sea Trail to raise money for Warrior Expeditions — which promotes effects of long-distance outdoor expeditions to help combat veterans transition back into civilian life.

Nephew searching for late uncle's WWII sweetheart

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The nephew of Andrew Piter Jr., who was killed fifteen days before the end of WWII, is seeking information about the woman his late uncle fell in love with during the war.

Missile threats surging worldwide, DOD study finds

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Technology for ballistic and cruise missiles is advancing in countries from North Korea and Iran to Russia and China, increasing potential threats to the U.S. even if they don't carry nuclear warheads, according to a new Pentagon report.

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Николай Патрушев

Патрушев заявил, что нелегальная миграция связана с угрозами терроризма

Great Lakes museum exhibit celebrates Civil War hero

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This July, the National Museum of the Great Lakes will host a temporary exhibit about the life of Colonel Schoonmaker, who is the namesake of the massive lake freighter that sits on the Maumee River, the Col. James M. Schoonmaker.

Japan mulls equipping F-35s with air-to-surface missiles

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The Japanese government is considering equipping cutting-edge F-35 stealth fighters with air-to-surface missiles, which are capable of striking remote targets on land, and plans to deploy these fighters to the Air Self-Defense Force, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned.

May seals billion-pound Northern Irish deal to stay in power

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U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May kept her grip on power by reaching a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party, which will support her minority government in key votes in Parliament in return for extra funding for Northern Ireland.

Rows of equipment lined up at Coleman Barracks to reassure allies

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Following the Russian intervention in Ukraine in 2014 the United States has tried to make its allies, especially those in neighboring Russia in eastern Europe, feel less threatened through a program dubbed the European Reassurance Initiative.

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