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Новости за 01.07.2017

Club shooting that injured 28 may be gang-related, police say

Stars and Stripes 

Clubgoers screamed and scrambled for cover as dozens of gunshots rang out during a rap concert in downtown Little Rock early Saturday, leaving 28 people injured from an 11-second melee that police said may be gang-related.

Police: Doc hunted ex-colleague before shooting rampage

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A portrait of an angry doctor seeking revenge on the medical professionals he believed turned their backs on him emerged Saturday as a New York hospital began to recover from his assault-weapon rampage that left one doctor dead, another critically injured and four staff members and a patient wounded.

Mexico: 19 killed in clashes near beach city of Mazatlan

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Mexican authorities said Saturday that at least 19 people died in clashes involving armed men and security forces in the gang-plagued northwestern state of Sinaloa, where homicides have spiked dramatically following the capture and extradition of convicted drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Qatar stands firm, rejecting Arab demands as deadline looms

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Qatar said Saturday it doesn't fear any military retaliation for refusing to meet a Monday deadline to comply with a list of demands from four Arab states that have imposed a de-facto blockade on the Gulf nation.

Obama pushes tolerance, respect in childhood home Jakarta

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Following another week of dust-ups between the media and President Donald Trump, his predecessor shared a bit of wisdom Saturday from the other side of the world about tolerance and taking the daily news cycle in stride.

Macron to meet West African leaders on new anti-terror force

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France's president meets Sunday in Mali with heads of state from five nations across Africa's vast Sahel region to support a new 5,000-strong multinational force meant to counter a growing threat from extremists who have targeted tourist resorts and other high-profile areas.

Syria says chemical attack probe work of 'sick mind'

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Syria's government accused Saturday the international chemical weapons watchdog of relying on the testimonies of "terrorists" in its probe that concluded sarin gas was used in a deadly attack in Syria two months ago.

In final stages of Mosul fight, US plays larger role

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The day after Iraq's prime minister declared an end to the Islamic State group's caliphate, U.S. Army Col. Pat Work and a small team of about a dozen soldiers drove through western Mosul in two unmarked armored vehicles to warn Iraqi forces of a pressing threat: friendly fire.

House that survived Gettysburg up for overnight visitors

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For a couple hundred dollars, you can spend the night in a house that survived the Battle of Gettysburg. The Historic Bushman House was used as a temporary field hospital, serving as a stop for injured soldiers making their way to larger field hospitals, according to a ranger with the Gettysburg National Military Park.

As Mosul's battlefield shrinks, US warns of friendly fire

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U.S. Army Col. Pat Work and a small team of about a dozen soldiers drove through western Mosul in two unmarked armored vehicles. Iraq's Prime Minister had just declared the end of the Islamic State group's caliphate the day before, but the fighting still raging on as Iraqi forces prepared for another big push Saturday morning.

Oil tanker collides with cargo ship in Dover Strait off UK

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An oil tanker and a large cargo ship collided Saturday in the Dover Strait between Britain and France but no casualties or pollution from the accident have been reported so far, French authorities say.

China's Xi: No tolerance for subversion in Hong Kong

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Chinese President Xi Jinping warned Saturday that any activities in Hong Kong seen as threatening China's sovereignty and stability would be "absolutely impermissible," employing some of his harshest language yet against burgeoning separatist sentiment in the territory.

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During WWI, a silent film spoke volumes about freedom of speech

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In the United States, “The Great War” led to unprecedented efforts by the federal government to control and restrict “unpatriotic” speech. But the boundary between speech that undermined the government and legitimate criticism was often unclear.

Room for skepticism on wider Syria policy

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When the White House announced that Syria might be preparing another poison gas attack — and warned of dire consequences — critics were wary. Some saw the warning as a “wag the dog” feint. Others saw the warning as a pure pretext for sending thousands of U.S. ground troops to Syria in the near future.

Army corps proposes drought plan for North Dakota dam

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An emerging plan by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers could imperil access to canal water during an extreme drought, just when farmers need it most. What's afoot is the corps' decision to create a first-time plan to protect the dam works' infrastructure that separates the enormous Lake Sakakawea in North Dakota from its smaller sidekick, Lake Audubon, in a drought scenario.

Secret extreme vetting of immigrants delays the American dream

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A year had passed. Yet no matter how many times the 38-year-old Iranian engineer asked the U.S. immigration office in Kansas City about his citizenship application. “They’d say ‘It’s pending,’” Behrang Pakzadeh said. Pending? Pending what? “Background checks,” was the cryptic reply again and again.

On Cuba, Trump is right

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The regime of Raul Castro and his late brother Fidel has murdered people left and right, mainly on the right, those who aspire to freedom. There are still political prisoners, the elections are fake and protest can get you in deep trouble.

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