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Новости за 06.07.2017

A year after slayings, Dallas police train in 'mindfulness'

Stars and Stripes 

A year later, Dallas officers are still grieving, but scores of them have received or are on track to receive specialized training in "mindfulness" and other stress-management techniques that aim to teach police how to better understand and control their emotions, both on and off the job.

Michigan museum debuts exhibit showcasing local veterans

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From now through the end of the year, the Dowagiac Area History Museum’s newest exhibit, “Battle Tested: Wartime Stories of Cass County,” will tell the stories of Cass County men and women who served their country in the past century.

US to equip Iraqis with police stations in a box worth $250,000 each

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The U.S.-led anti-Islamic State coalition is delivering 100 expeditionary police stations to Iraqi forces in regions of that country recently liberated from ISIS to help local police quickly re-establish authority, a coalition general said Thursday.

German police clash with protesters before G-20 summit

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German police clashed with violent protesters Thursday in Hamburg a day ahead of the Group of 20 summit, using water cannons, pepper spray and batons to disperse marchers after some attacked them with bottles and other objects.

Funeral held for Texas sailor killed in USS Fitzgerald collision

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The funeral for Petty Officer 2nd Class Noe Hernandez was held Thursday in Mercedes. Burial followed in nearby Weslaco. The 26-year-old was one of seven sailors killed aboard the USS Fitzgerald when the naval destroyer was struck on June 17 by a Philippine-flagged container ship.

A picturesque island fort off Maine is getting some much-needed safety upgrades

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Sitting in the middle of Portland Harbor, Fort Gorges is completely open to the public. There are few safety rails in the 19th century military installation. It has no front door and the fort is never closed. Visitors, who must come by private boat, are free to roam. Nothing is off limits. It's been this way since the federal government gave it to the city in 1960. But that's changing.

'High Art of Riding Low' puts lowriders on display as art

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Lowrider historian Denise Sandoval says the eye-popping, airbrushed paintings, plush interiors and chrome-plated wheels and engines that have come to define them have quietly fomented something more — a new genre of contemporary art.

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EU parliament advises freeze of Turkey's membership talks

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The European Parliament has advised the European Union to freeze accession talks with Turkey amid growing concerns over the country's human rights and democracy. Turkey rejected Thursday's move, calling it an attempt to "sabotage" relations with the EU.

3 Battle of Hue veterans share their stories

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For author Mark Bowden's book, "Hue 1968: A Turning Point of the American War In Vietnam," Bowden interviewed more than 100 men and women from both sides of the fighting.

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