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Новости за 18.07.2017

Obama officials meeting with Senate intelligence panel

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Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice will speak to staff on the Senate intelligence committee, which is investigating Russian interference in U.S. elections and is interviewing several former Obama administration officials.

Chechnya becoming major player in rebuilding war-torn Syria

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Russia's mostly Muslim republic of Chechnya is becoming a major player in rebuilding war-ravaged Syria. And ordinary Chechens are likely to foot the bill, with many of them being forced to make contributions or face the possibility of exile or death, human rights activists say.

House budget blueprint key to success of Trump tax agenda

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Despite opposition from Republican moderates and conservatives, House leaders are pressing ahead with a budget plan whose success is critical to the party's hopes to deliver on one of President Donald Trump's top priorities — a GOP-only effort to overhaul the tax code.

South Sudan's leader declares state of emergency in 1 region

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Army spokesman Col. Santo Domic Chol says this is in response to increased tribal conflict in the region, including revenge killings and cattle raiding. He says it creates further insecurity amid the country's civil war.

Wife of senator on military duty to fill in for him

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Republican Sen. John Braun's wife is set to be sworn in as a temporary senator Tuesday in order to fill in for him while he's on military training for the U.S. Navy Reserve.

Metal detectors at Jerusalem shrine trigger new tensions

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A dispute over metal detectors is escalating into a new showdown between Israel and the Muslim world over a Jerusalem shrine that has triggered major Israeli-Palestinian confrontations in the past.

New missiles eyed for Japan's F-2 fighters

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The new air-to-ship missile would be the first supersonic air-to-ship type to be made in Japan and is characterized as being difficult to intercept.

China urges India withdrawal in standoff, stages drills

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China on Tuesday renewed a call for India to immediately withdraw its troops from disputed territory high in the Himalayan mountains, following a report that Chinese forces recently held live firing drills in the region.

Separatists proclaim a new state to replace all of Ukraine

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Separatists in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday proclaimed a new state that aspires to include not only the areas they control but also the rest of the country. But Russia, their chief backer, sought to play down the announcement, saying it was merely part of public discussion.

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Obstacles mount in fight to aid Syrians stranded near Jordan

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Desperate to help Syrians stuck on Jordan's sealed border, U.N. agencies agreed late last year to an aid system that critics say handed much of the control over aid distribution to Jordan's military and a Jordanian contractor, and also involved armed men on the Syrian side.

Korean border village, site for rivals' talks

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Straddling the world's most heavily fortified border, the Korean truce village of Panmunjom is a potential flashpoint where North Korean soldiers hacked to death two American officers at the height of the Cold War.

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Zoomlion продемонстрировала последние достижения на выставке INTERMAT

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Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

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«Вспомните фильмы, на которых они росли»: рэпер Серега допустил негативное влияние кино на Пугачеву


ДВМС объявляет конкурс на целевое обучение в МГИМО

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