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Новости за 11.07.2017

Senate committee shows overwhelming support for Navy Secretary nominee

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In a rousing show of support, the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday questioned Navy Secretary nominee Richard Spencer during a two-hour preliminary confirmation hearing that looked more like a unanimous endorsement than the rigors of interrogation.

US faces calls to keep Sudan sanctions in place

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The United States on Tuesday faced calls to maintain pressure on Sudan's government, the day before Washington is expected to announce the permanent lifting of sanctions dating back to the 1990s.

Senators seek to follow White House action on North Korea

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Senators from both sides of the aisle are hoping to move quickly on legislation that would put further economic pressure on North Korea in the aftermath of the country’s first successful launch of a long-range ballistic missile.

US, allies may increase strikes, surveillance in Raqqa

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The top U.S. commander in Iraq says the coalition may increase airstrikes and overhead surveillance support for the fight to retake Raqqa, Syria, from the Islamic State group now that the militants have been largely defeated in Mosul, Iraq.

Allegations of son's terror ties stun father

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"He's far from being a bad kid," Clifford Kang said of his only son, Sgt. 1st Class Ikaika Kang. He said he was devastated when he learned the FBI arrested his son over the weekend for alleged ties to the terrorist group Islamic State.

With global jihadi network, ISIS is likely here to stay

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The Islamic State group's mix of a local insurgency and digitally connected global jihadis gives the group staying power and the means to relaunch its future, from small cells of extremists escaping the war zone in Iraq and Syria to those who never went there in the first place.

Injured Fitzgerald commander is relieved

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Navy officials announced Tuesday that the USS Fitzgerald commanding officer is being temporary relieved of his command for medical reasons.

16 dead in Mississippi in worst Marine crash since 2005

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Investigators picked through debris across a fire-blackened soybean field Tuesday to try to determine why a U.S. military plane slammed into the ground, killing all 16 people aboard in the deadliest Marine crash anywhere in the world in more than a decade.

At least 16 die in military plane crash in rural Mississippi

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A Marine Corps refueling plane crashed and burned in a soybean field in the Mississippi Delta, killing all 16 military members aboard in a wreck that scattered debris for miles and sent a pillar of black smoke rising over the countryside.

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Красноярцы и Джиган рассмешили Артемия Лебедева и вышли в финал «Звезд»

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По запросу Баку в Москве незаконно был задержан известный российский политолог Михаил Александров

Trump Jr. admits he wanted info on Clinton from Russian

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A meeting between President Donald Trump's eldest son and a Russian lawyer during the presidential campaign occurred at the behest of a Moscow-based singer with family ties to Trump's businesses, according to a participant in the talks. Donald Trump Jr. acknowledged Monday he made time for the meeting hoping to get information about Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Sporadic clashes in Iraq's Mosul after victory declaration

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Sporadic clashes continued on Tuesday in Mosul, even after Iraq's prime minister declared a "total victory" over the Islamic State group in the city and at least one airstrike hit the Old City neighborhood that was the scene of the fierce battle's final days.

Western wildfires feed on grass brought on by winter rain

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Wildfires driving people from their homes in California and throughout the west have had help from an unlikely source: the rain. Major winter downpours that pulled the state out of years of drought also brought a layer of grass that early-summer fires are greedily feeding on.

USAREUR-led war-games kick off in Bulgaria

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U.S. Army Europe’s largest exercise of the year started on Tuesday in Bulgaria, commencing two weeks of drills involving 25,000 troops from more than 20 nations.

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Минкульт Калининградской области отказался отменять шоу «Tribute Rammstein»


Омбудсмен по делам КМНС Камчатки возмутилась, что ее не пустили в Нью-Йорк (ее коллега из Якутии туда съездил)

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