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Новости за 02.07.2017

US Navy sends warship near disputed South China Sea island

Stars and Stripes 

The U.S. has sent a guided-missile destroyer near Triton Island in the South China Sea, according to a U.S. official, which may cause concern ahead of President Donald Trump's meeting with his Chinese counterpart this week.

After long journey, deceased Marine's belongings return home

Stars and Stripes 

Lance Cpl. Joseph Ryan "Goose" Giese was on his last foot patrol. He was 24 and had been in the Helmand Province in Afghanistan for maybe five months, his dad said. The proud Marine had a new wife back in Georgia, and he was going to be shipping home to her soon. But an improvised explosive device changed the ending to the story.

Car bomb kills 8 as Syria says it foiled wider attack

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State TV said security forces detected two car bombs at an entrance to the city, and foiled a plot to target crowded areas on first day of work after the long Muslim holiday that follows Ramadan.

Airstrikes propel Mosul gains, despite toll on civilians

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As airstrikes pound the last pockets of territory held by the Islamic State group in Mosul Sunday, hundreds of civilians are fleeing, many so badly injured they had to be carried over the mounds of rubble clogging the Old city's narrow streets.

Civilians flee as strikes pound last of ISIS-held Mosul

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As airstrikes pound the last pockets of territory held by the Islamic State group in Mosul Sunday, hundreds of civilians are fleeing, many so badly injured they had to be carried over the mounds of rubble clogging the Old city's narrow streets.

Al-Qaida-linked Mali extremists release hostage video

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France's president meets Sunday in Mali with heads of state from five nations across Africa's Sahel region to build support for a new 5,000-strong multinational force meant to counter extremists.

Judge will allow evidence of injuries in Bergdahl sentencing

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Evidence that a soldier and a Navy Seal who were injured on missions to search for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will be permitted during the sentencing portion of his court-martial, according to a ruling from the military judge on Friday.

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Apple возобновляет переговоры с OpenAI о внедрении функций ИИ в iPhone

General says US military should have presence in Iraq long after ISIS defeat

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Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, commanding general of the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg and Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, said he hopes the U.S.-led coalition has a role in Iraq long after ISIS is driven from that country, working with Iraqi forces to ensure they are trained and capable of facing the nation's threats.

Ethnic minority leaders push for Afghan reforms

Stars and Stripes 

Meetings by the leaders of Afghanistan's three major ethnic minority political parties brought together a group of powerful ex-militia leaders, once rivals in a civil war, in an extraordinary alliance that could present Ghani and his shaky government with its most serious challenge since taking office in 2014.

In depths of Atlantic, a quest for diamonds

Stars and Stripes 

Deep beneath this frigid stretch of the Atlantic Ocean, some of the world's most valuable diamonds are scattered like lost change. The discovery of such gems has sparked a revolution in one of the world's most storied industries

Army judge heading 9/11 trials halts proceedings over Guantanamo Bay shuttle policy

Stars and Stripes 

The judge in the 9/11 case on Friday froze the proceedings, putting next month’s pretrial hearings on hold over a new policy that denies him a fast boat across Guantanamo Bay, a change that he said would prevent him from sequestering himself from other war court travelers such as terror victims, witnesses and reporters.

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