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Новости за 14.07.2017

Can big-screen comedy survive the superhero era?

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Days before the opening of the Will Ferrell-Amy Poehler comedy “The House,” producer Adam McKay could see the writing on the wall. The box-office forecast for the film wasn’t looking good.

Aid groups wary of proposed Italian rules on migrant rescues

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Humanitarian organizations that rescue migrants in the Mediterranean are voicing concern over proposed rules to govern their operations that Italy has drafted amid accusations that some agencies are complicit with the Libyan-based traffickers.

Liberation from militants leaves devastation in Mosul

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Iraq's U.S.-backed forces wrested Mosul from the Islamic State group at the cost of enormous destruction. The nearly 9-month fight culminated with a crescendo of devastation — the blasting of the historic Old City to root out the deeply dug-in militants.

Arab gunmen kill 2 Israeli policemen at Jerusalem shrine

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Arab assailants struck at ground zero of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Friday, opening fire from inside a major Jerusalem shrine and killing two Israeli policemen before being shot dead.

House plans to pass 'Forever' GI Bill by August

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The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs will hold a hearing Monday about a large expansion of veterans' education benefits with a plan to vote on the measure Wednesday and have the bill sail through the House in just two weeks, ahead of a monthlong summer recess.

Trump’s budget would hobble global system that detects tsunamis

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A $12 million tsunami detection system that gives an accurate forecast of how big a tsunami would be as it hit America’s shores and when it would arrive is under threat. President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for the next fiscal year would end funding to operate the network.

Trump denies disaster declaration for Dakota Access pipeline

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The Trump administration rejected North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum's request for a "major disaster declaration" to help cover some of the estimated $38 million cost to police protests of the Dakota Access pipeline, a spokesman for the Republican governor said Thursday.

Hawaii-based soldier's lawyer calls out government

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The lawyer for an Army soldier accused of pledging his support and allegiance to the Islamic State says the government knew or should have known that Sgt. 1st Class Ikaika Erik Kang was suffering from mental illness but, instead of helping him, continued to exploit Kang’s condition until he committed a crime.

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Egypt attacks: 2 tourists stabbed to death; 5 police killed

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Two Ukrainian female tourists were stabbed to death while four other foreigners were wounded in an attack Friday at a hotel in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Hurghada, an Egyptian security official said.

NSWC Crane gets new commander

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Retiring after a 28-year naval career that culminated with three years as commander of the Crane Division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Capt. Jeffrey "JT" Elder leaves the southern Indiana base confident of its future as a key component of America's military.

North Korea's nuclear weapons advancements under the 3 Kims

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After North Korea's first test-firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile last week, the country's leader, Kim Jong Un, has moved one step closer to perfecting a nuclear missile capable of reaching the United States, a weapons program launched by his grandfather and nurtured by his father.

Спорт в России и мире

Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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В Москве в парке нашли труп мужчины

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