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Новости за 23.07.2017

9 die in immigrant-smuggling attempt in sweltering truck

Stars and Stripes 

Authorities called to a Walmart parking lot found eight people dead and 20 others in dire condition in the back of a sweltering tractor-trailer, victims of what police said Sunday was an immigrant-smuggling attempt gone wrong.

White House indicates Trump would sign new sanctions bill

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The White House indicated Sunday President Donald Trump would sign a sweeping Russia sanctions measure, which the House could take up this week, that requires him to get Congress' permission before lifting or easing the economic penalties against Moscow.

Russia sanction bill is set for key vote, Trump expected to sign

Stars and Stripes 

The White House indicated Sunday President Donald Trump would sign a sweeping Russia sanctions measure, which the House could take up this week, that requires him to get Congress' permission before lifting or easing the economic penalties against Moscow.

Jordanian killed, Israeli wounded at Israeli embassy

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A Jordanian man was shot to death and an Israeli man was wounded in a violent incident at the Israeli embassy in Amman on Sunday evening, a security official and a news site linked to Jordan's military reported.

Israel says guard at Amman embassy shot after being attacked

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Two Jordanians were killed and an Israeli was wounded by gunfire Sunday in a residential building in the heavily fortified Israeli embassy compound in Jordan's capital, the kingdom's Public Security Directorate said.

Russian ambassador to US concludes assignment

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Russian ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak - a high-profile figure in the controversy over Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election- has concluded his assignment in Washington.

How ISIS nearly stumbled on the ingredients for a 'dirty bomb'

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On the day the Islamic State overran the Iraqi city of Mosul in 2014, it laid claim to one of the greatest weapons bonanzas ever to fall to a terrorist group. But the most fearsome weapon in Mosul on that day was never used by the terrorists. Only now is it becoming clear what happened to it.

West Point grad closing in on majors

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Chris Rowley, who will turn 27 in August, is a phone call away from becoming the first West Point graduate to play in the major leagues. The Army released Rowley from his military commitment in January 2016 to pursue his baseball dream.

Army grad closing in on majors

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Chris Rowley, who will turn 27 in August, is a phone call from becoming the first West Point graduate to play in the major leagues.

Army football prospect battles back from torn ACL

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One year ago, Andrew Hipp tore his left anterior cruciate ligament while running a route on the last play of Army's camp. Hipp's road back was fueled on returning to West Point and impressing Army's coaches.

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Old Ironsides restored, returns to harbor

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The Constitution, launched in 1797, has undergone waves of major repairs since the 1830s, with the most recent prior restoration being a three-year comprehensive structural project that ended in 1995 ahead of its 200th anniversary.

Newly restored USS Constitution is returning to the water

Stars and Stripes 

The Constitution, launched in 1797, has undergone waves of major repairs since the 1830s, with the most recent prior restoration being a three-year comprehensive structural project that ended in 1995 ahead of its 200th anniversary.

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Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

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