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Новости за 05.07.2017

American hostages could be key to talks with North Korea

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Officials have been cautiously discussing the conditions under which the U.S. could reengage in direct dialogue with North Korea. One idea, which South Korean President Moon Jae-in suggested before the North's latest missile launch, is that a deal could be struck to return the three Americans imprisoned there in exchange for a resumption of talks.

Cop killer had ranted about officers killing and abusing

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A New York City police officer was shot to death inside a mobile command post by an ex-convict who had ranted online about his treatment in prison and about officers getting away with killing people. The gunman was killed by police about a block away.

NYC officer shot to death inside command post; gunman killed

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A New York City police officer was shot to death inside a mobile command post by an ex-convict who had ranted online about his treatment in prison and about officers getting away with killing people. The gunman was killed by police about a block away.

Families caring for very sick children forced to choose hospice or treatment

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The rule is usually discovered by parents bracing for their child to die. Already consumed by tragedy, these military families are confronted with a brutal choice: Elect hospice to ease your child’s suffering or choose treatment to keep fighting for your child’s life.

UK's foreign secretary backs doctors in Baby Charlie case

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The life support Baby Charlie is receiving at a London hospital soon will be turned off over the objections of his parents, who want to take him to the United States for experimental therapy they believe could prolong his life.

Музыкальные новости
Пётр Чайковский

В Клину состоится праздничная программа в честь дня рождения Чайковского

Персональные новости

Заместитель генерального директора сети клиник «Евроонко» выступил на конференции онкологов в Белгороде

Arab states angry over Qatar's dismissal of their demands

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Four Arab nations seeking to isolate Qatar over its alleged support for extremist groups were angered Wednesday by what they said was a "negative" response by the tiny Gulf nation to their demands for ending the crisis roiling the region.

Tainted water, bigger bills for residents near Pa. military bases

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By this fall, drinking water flowing into three Pennsylvania communities should be free of the chemicals from nearby military bases that tainted it, but local residents will have to pick up part of the cleaning bill — at a cost that could exceed $25 million in one town alone in the next 10 years.

Republican health plan should be more ambitious

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Health care continues to vex Republicans, with the demands of conservatives, moderates, the Senate parliamentarian and the public at large seemingly incapable of being reconciled.

Complications for pre-existing conditions

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We are already sick with worry about the actual health of our children; we shouldn’t also be sick over what being sick could mean to our wallets.

'You are ridiculous,' EU chief tells EU parliament

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The head of the European Union's executive body denounced the bloc's parliament as "totally ridiculous" during a spat over the meager attendance at Tuesday's plenary session for the prime minister of tiny Malta.

Спорт в России и мире

Команда Орловской области стала победителем хоккейного турнира среди команд Черноземья


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Карен Хачанов

Хачанов обыграл Баутиста-Агуту в третьем круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде


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