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Новости за 03.07.2017

Winn-Dixie will donate all of its July 4 profits to veterans' organization

Stars and Stripes 

For the third year in a row, the Winn-Dixie supermarket chain announced that it will donate 100 percent of its July 4 profits to Hope for the Warriors, a veterans’ organization that assists with career transitions, clinical health, community engagement and other services.

Putin delivering on call-in show promises

Stars and Stripes 

It was Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the flesh. Standing in front of the dilapidated wooden barracks where Anastasia Votintseva shares a single room with her sister and three children.

‘RiME’: Beauty trapped in stone

Stars and Stripes 

Let me preface this review by stating that “RiME” isn’t for everyone. It’s a slow, solemn puzzle platformer that requires a lot of patience. If you aren’t a fan of the genre, you won’t be able to extract the full experience that the game has to offer. Additionally, among the top questions asked in relation to “RiME” is whether or not it’s worth purchasing on the Nintendo Switch.

SEC settles fraud charges against defunct for-profit college company ITT

Stars and Stripes 

The Securities and Exchange Commission has settled its fraud case against ITT Educational Services, but it continues to pursue top executives from the defunct for-profit college firm for deceiving investors about high rates of late payments and defaults on student loans backed by the firm.

Review: 'A Ghost Story' is fascinating look at grief

Stars and Stripes 

Consider the white sheet. Such a simple, ubiquitous item can have so many loaded meanings. A bed, a costume, a shroud. The multifaceted uses of the sheet are explored in David Lowery's "A Ghost Story," a meditation on grief, loss and the essence of life from both sides of the veil. At times, this film is profoundly heartbreaking, in other moments, willfully obtuse, but always, there is the sheet, and what it symbolizes.

Qatar crisis deadline extended by 2 days as nation responds

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Arab nations isolating Qatar extended a deadline Monday for the energy rich country to respond to their demands by another 48 hours, allowing its top diplomat to carry a handwritten response to Kuwait's ruler in an effort to end the diplomatic crisis.

US targets al-Shabab in second use of new combat authorities in Somalia

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The United States conducted an airstrike in Somalia over the weekend targeting militants linked to al-Qaida in its second use of authorities granted by President Donald Trump to attack al-Shabab’s terrorist network in the East African nation, the Pentagon said Monday.

With fight for Mosul in final stage, militants strike back

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With the fight for Mosul in its final stage Monday, Islamic State militants sent female suicide bombers hidden among fleeing civilians, while Iraqi forces and the U.S.-led coalition unleashed punishing airstrikes and artillery fire that set dozens of buildings ablaze.

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Маркетолог Родочинская: новая девушка Тимати копирует Решетову ради бизнеса

Персональные новости

По запросу Баку в Москве незаконно был задержан известный российский политолог Михаил Александров

British teen jailed for plotting London bomb attack

Stars and Stripes 

A British teenager has been sentenced to at least 16 1/2 years in prison for plotting a bombing whose potential targets included an Elton John concert on the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Ansel Elgort’s career shifting into high gear

Stars and Stripes 

After puttering around the track for several years in teen vehicles like “The Fault in Our Stars” and the Divergent series, Ansel Elgort’s film career is about to jump into overdrive. As the wheelman in the car chase crime spectacular “Baby Driver,” he shows the winsome charm of old but reveals the unexpected ability to deal with high-speed crashes, rampant violence and wide-ranging genres of essential pop music.

Security of US nukes now an official secret

Stars and Stripes 

The Pentagon has thrown a cloak of secrecy over assessments of the safety and security of its nuclear weapons operations, a part of the military with a history of periodic inspection failures and lapses in morale.

Спорт в России и мире

Шествие трубачей и уроки танцев: что ждет посетителей парков Москвы в майские праздники


Все новости спорта сегодня

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Елена Рыбакина

Камбэком обернулся матч вундеркинда из России перед стартом Еленой Рыбакиной в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Zoomlion продемонстрировала последние достижения на выставке INTERMAT

Путин в России и мире

Поездам прибавляют ходу // Как может сократиться время пути от Москвы до курортов на Черном море

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

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