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Новости за 29.07.2017

Michael Flynn: Growing up; Life before the Army; A soldier's soldier

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Many of Michael Flynn’s classmates, friends and family foresaw that the person they remember as a fun-loving risk-taker — a confident but not conceited adolescent — would distinguish himself as an adult. And he did, becoming a three-star general during a highly decorated Army career.

New chief of staff takes over at White House come Monday

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Retired Marine Gen. John Kelly is a battle-hardened commander who would bring a background of military discipline and order to President Donald Trump's roiling White House as the new chief of staff.

1st Special Forces Command gets new leader

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Maj. Gen. James E. Kraft Jr. relinquished command of the 1st Special Forces Command on Friday during a ceremony at Fort Bragg, N.C. Kraft relinquished command of the unit to Maj. Gen. Fran M. Beaudette.

Special Operations Team parachutes into Texas bay

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Members of the 181st Special Operations Weather Team parachuted into Corpus Christi Bay as part of a tactical training exercise on Friday at the USS Lexington Museum on the Bay.

Ivory coast man facing expulsion stabs bus driver in Italy

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A man from the Ivory Coast who faced expulsion from Italy for previous aggressive behavior stabbed a public transit bus driver Saturday in the Tuscan city of Siena, causing a serious injury, police said.

Report: 4 US-backed Syrian rebels defect to government

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A small number of U.S.-backed rebels have defected and joined government forces south of the country days after the U.S. announced an end to a CIA program that backed opposition fighters, Syrian opposition activists said Saturday.

Special operations NCO academy honors anniversary, namesake

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Nearly two decades since Master Sgt. David K. Thuma's death, his legacy lives on at Fort Bragg, where dozens of soldiers gathered Friday to honor him and mark the 30th anniversary of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School's noncommissioned officer academy.

Jerusalem shrine crisis hardens leaders' positions

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The standoff over a Jerusalem shrine holy to Muslims and Jews has signaled that the festering Israeli-Palestinian conflict is shifting further from what was once seen as a territorial dispute toward a religious one.

Hamburg stabbing suspect known as radical, mentally unstable

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A Palestinian man who allegedly stabbed one person to death and wounded six others in Hamburg was known to authorities as a suspected Islamic radical but is also psychologically unstable, German officials said Saturday.

McCain's Obamacare vote isn't the only sign of GOP resistance to Trump

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In the year since Donald Trump won the Republican presidential nomination, party leaders have been reluctant to challenge a man who has formed a tight bond with conservative voters, even when he upset party orthodoxies and norms of presidential behavior. But that reticence is breaking down.

Change in tactics needed in Afghan war, but privatizing the military isn't the answer

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According to the New York Times, White House advisors Stephen Bannon and Jared Kushner asked Erik D. Prince, a founder of the security firm Blackwater Worldwide, and Stephen A. Feinberg, the owner of the military contractor DynCorp International, to come up with alternatives to sending additional troops to Afghanistan. The newspaper said the two recommended the government rely on private contractors instead of U.S. troops.

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Поклонник Басты сделал предложение девушке на концерте рэпера в Новосибирске

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Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

Survivor's guilt shadows veteran 50 years after Vietnam War disaster

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Steve Heinrich leaned forward in his easy chair and stared into the distance as he told the story, his mind taking him back to places he never cared to revisit. But survivor's guilt can be a powerful thing, and he figured the moment had come to try to shed some of it.

N. Korean missile launch sends demand for US-made bomb shelters surging

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The popularity of doomsday fortifications is no surprise, considering Kim Jong-Un's pursuit of a missile that can hit the continental U.S. Curiously, though, the most furious surge of interest isn't in America but Japan, a country that's long been within North Korea's striking distance.

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