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Новости за 28.07.2017

Colorado chemical arms wastewater to be trucked to Texas

Stars and Stripes 

The U.S. Army plans to start trucking hazardous wastewater next week from a chemical weapons destruction plant in Colorado to an incineration facility in Texas because the Colorado plant isn't yet fully operational, officials said Friday.

South Korea considers a nuclear arsenal to counter the North

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No longer sure they can rely on the United States, an increasing number of South Korean lawmakers say their country should develop its own nuclear arsenal to deter an attack by Kim Jong Un, their belligerent neighbor to the north.

1 dead, 6 wounded after knife attack at German supermarket

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A man armed with a kitchen knife fatally stabbed one person at a supermarket Friday in the northern German city of Hamburg and six others were wounded as he fled, police said. He was overpowered and arrested.

British baby Charlie Gard dies, was center of legal battle

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Charlie Gard, the terminally ill British baby at the center of a legal and ethical battle that attracted the attention of Pope Francis and U.S. President Donald Trump, died Friday. He was one week shy of his first birthday.

'Big hunt' for Russian hackers, but no obvious election link

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A series of arrests of individuals that officials allege are Russian cybercriminals have been made over the past year. Through their lawyers, several defendants have suggested their arrests are linked to the election turmoil. Experts say that's possible, though an Associated Press review of the cases found no firm evidence to back the claim.

Suspected Afghan Taliban member indicted in Germany

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German prosecutors said Friday that they have filed terrorism and murder charges against a suspected member of Afghanistan's Taliban whom they accuse of participating in an attack in which an American soldier was killed.

Loyalty and legacy: One 101st soldier recalls his time downrange

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Every Friday, John Nikolao’s neighbors can see him walking his dogs dressed head to toe in red – red cap, red T-shirt, red socks. It’s not a Santa thing. The newly retired Chief Warrant Officer 5 – a Black Hawk pilot and a father of seven who deployed to war every other year from 2003 to 2014 — wears red to pay tribute to deployed soldiers far from home and loved ones.

The night John McCain stopped the GOP's health-care fight

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A seven-year quest to undo the Affordable Care Act collapsed — at least for now — as Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., kept his colleagues and the press corps in suspense over a little more than two hours late Thursday into early Friday.

Музыкальные новости

Рэпер Джиган вызвал Тимати на поединок после публичных насмешек в свою сторону прямо во время шоу

Персональные новости

Сбер подарил Орлу умный фонтан

Festivals & events, August 2017

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The summer in Europe sizzles with events. Here's a sampling of what's on the docket for August 2017.

Navy to commission destroyer USS Rafael Peralta

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The Navy will commission its newest guided-missile destroyer, the USS Rafael Peralta, during a ceremony Saturday at Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego.

Teachers get up-close look at Fort Gordon

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Teachers got a four-hour lesson on local military history, careers and current events Thursday at Fort Gordon, in a gathering designed to acquaint them with the massive military facility.

Спорт в России и мире

В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Экология в России и мире

Труп мужчины найден в лесопарковой зоне в Сокольниках

Путин в России и мире

Поведение Путина вызвало резонанс, потерянные в 90–е заводы возвращаются РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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Григорий Лепс

«Я не джентльмен»: Лепс вновь объяснился за инцидент с телефоном фанатки


Авиакомпанию S7 оштрафовали на 30 тысяч рублей за нарушение прав пассажиров

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