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Новости за 17.07.2017

Alabama National Guard unit deploys again for Middle East

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Jessica Faulkner didn't try to hold back her tears. The mother of Pvt. Dustin Faulkner was saying goodbye to her 19-year-old son as the 115th Expeditionary Signal Battalion of the National Guard was honored at a deployment ceremony at Huntsville High School.

US-Russia talks resume; Moscow demands dachas' return

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The United States and Russia on Monday resumed high-level talks aimed at resolving irritants between Washington and Moscow, as Russian patience dwindles for the return of two seized diplomatic compounds.

Report: US airstrikes in Afghanistan at highest levels since 2012

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The U.S. air war in Afghanistan has returned to a level of intensity not seen since American forces were still fanned out across the country and fighting Taliban militants in daily skirmishes in 2012, according to recently released military data.

US-Syrian woman keeps school going in al-Qaida-run region

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When Syria's uprising broke out, Rania Kisar left her job in the United States and returned home to join what she dreamed would be the ouster of President Bashar Assad and the building of a new Syria. Her main focus these days has been to keep Islamic militants from taking over the dream.

US-backed Afghans reclaim key district in Helmand province from Taliban

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Afghan security forces backed by U.S. air power and Marine Corps advisers retook a key district from the Taliban in Afghanistan's restive Helmand province on Monday after a battle to push the insurgents away from the province’s capital, U.S. and Afghan officials said.

Government 'cyber troops' manipulate Facebook, Twitter, study says

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Governments around the world are enlisting "cyber troops" who manipulate Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets to steer public opinion, spread misinformation and undermine critics, according to a new report from the University of Oxford.

US to create independent military cyber command

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After months of delay, the Trump administration is finalizing plans to revamp the nation's military command for defensive and offensive cyber operations in hopes of intensifying America's ability to wage cyberwar against the Islamic State group and other foes, according to U.S. officials.

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Певец Розенбаум похвастался возрождением сети советских пивных в Петербурге

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Николай Патрушев

Патрушев заявил, что нелегальная миграция связана с угрозами терроризма

Jailed American scholar can appeal his verdict, Iran's judiciary says

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An American scholar jailed in Iran can appeal a verdict sentencing him to 10 years in prison for espionage, Iranian judicial authorities said, after an apparently secret trial in which he was accused of using his status as a student to send documents to the U.S. government.

UN envoy warns that Iraq faces major challenges after Mosul

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The U.N. envoy for Iraq is warning that the road ahead is "extremely challenging" following the liberation of Mosul, stressing that freeing other territory controlled by Islamic State extremists won't be easy.

UN: Afghan war claims record number of civilian lives

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The war in Afghanistan has claimed a record number of civilian lives in the first half of the year partly because of an increase in suicide attacks, the United Nations said Monday.

Спорт в России и мире

Результаты забега на 5 км на Московском полумарафоне. Аплачкина и Голоктионов установили рекорды соревнований


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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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