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Новости за 10.07.2017

US deployed Patriot missiles to Lithuania for multinational war games

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The U.S. military deployed Patriot missiles to Lithuania on Monday to take part in upcoming war games, marking the first such deployment of the sophisticated missile defense system to the small Baltic nation, Lithuania's defense ministry announced.

UN envoy says Syria cease-fire generally holding

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The U.N.'s special envoy for Syrian peace talks on Monday said a U.S. and Russia-brokered cease-fire in the country's southwest was generally holding despite some "teething problems," adding he hoped it would contribute positively to talks between the government and opposition.

Can animals suffer from PTSD?

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In the early hours of the last day of May, one of the hugest explosions ever to shake Afghanistan resounded across the capital city of Kabul. The impact of the tanker truck bombing, an insurgent attack that claimed more than 150 lives and injured at least 700 others, was felt several miles away.

Iraqi troops fight to clear ISIS from last patch of Mosul

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Iraqi forces were still battling Islamic State militants in a small area of Mosul on Monday, a day after the prime minister visited to congratulate the troops on retaking nearly all of Iraq's second largest city.

Will women have to register for the draft? Republicans say no

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It’s been well over a year since the Pentagon announced its historic decision to open up all combat jobs in the military to women, but Congress is still debating over whether women should register for the draft.

Trump presses Congress on health care bill: Get it done

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President Donald Trump pressed Congress on Monday to get health care done before leaving for its long August recess, even as Republican senators say the GOP effort so far to repeal and replace the nation's health law is probably dead.

Republicans won’t stop fighting with each other

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The small band of moderate Republicans is objecting to the substance and optics of giving goodies to the rich while slicing social programs. Fiscal hawks are fretting over spiraling deficits even as supply-side colleagues and those representing special interests believe most any tax cut is good.

At G-20, Trump showed hopeful signs

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Trump finally made it clear that he accepts the 68-year-old obligation to defend NATO countries from Russian pressure.

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Тренер "Спартака" Слишкович заявил, что доволен ничейной игрой против ЦСКА

Scorecards force low-ranked nations to act

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If your country is at the bottom of a well-respected scorecard for “Ease of Doing Business,” you might find that international businesses start to avoid investing in your economy.

Senate Republicans head back to work with no health-care deal

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Senate Republicans returned to Washington from a holiday recess with new and deepening disagreements about their health-care bill, with key Republicans differing Sunday not merely on how to amend the bill, but also on whether a bill could pass at all.

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Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

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