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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 29.04.2018

Sunday and we are in league one.... (11 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

How do you feel ? Who do you blame the owners? Redknapp, Zola,cotterill.
Need the crowd to be our 12th,13th and 14th man again... Watford playoffs loud.......
Gonna be a horrible week just waiting for Sunday.
Hope we can do it again.... KRO....

Re: Sunday and we are in league one....

Small Heath Alliance 

Monk stays and we'll absolutely piss Div 1 and then come back stronger. Not ideal but feck it, lets win the auto windscreens and have another day at Wembley on the way.

Yesterday m, I was ashamed to be a Blues fan (55 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

There have been many occasions when I have been proubf to be associated with Blues and my fellow Bluenoses (I don’t care if you hate use of this name for Blues fans!).

In Bruges (no, not the film).
5000 at Bolton.
At Molineux this season.

Yesterday, I was embarrassed by the behaviour of some of the absolute scumbsgs that support this football club.

At half time, i went to get a cuppa for my dad and myself. Having been to QPR before, I should have envisaged this. Читать дальше...

Other forums (24 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Has anyone looked at the other teams forums to see what they are thinking?

Having this ‘feeling’ (19 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

That we’ll go down. I’m hearing a lot of this.

Why, what exactly is this based on? Lowest goalscorers? Lost most games? Escaped twice in last 4 years on the last day?

Fair enough, but none of that matters a single jot with what we’re facing on Sunday.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but all I know is statistically, and with the bookies we’re more likely to stay up. I also know we are capable of getting something from the game.

So if you have this ‘feeling’ what exactly is it based on? Читать дальше...

Come on then (56 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which two are going down.

Im going with Burton and Blues

Sunday and we are in league one....

Small Heath Alliance 

How do you feel ? Who do you blame the owners? Redknapp, Zola,cotterill.
Need the crowd to be our 12th,13th and 14th man again... Watford playoffs loud.......
Gonna be a horrible week just waiting for Sunday.
Hope we can do it again.... KRO....

Breakfast Today (22 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

As a change from people getting hysterical I think we should talk breakfast

On holiday with Mrs BlueNation so we’re currently behind UK time.

Hotel does a fair breakfast.

Yesterday was Porridge but with added Cinnamon. I wasn’t sure but tried it. Was delicious so will try that again.

Then comes the difficult part. Love a bit of scrambled egg myself BUT the chef here likes his funky presentation a bit, so the scrambled egg is done in a ramekin then turned out. Читать дальше...

Sky Super Sunday (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Do they have one for the chumps league or will it just be the Cardiff game on live next week?

Having this ‘feeling’ (17 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

That we’ll go down. I’m hearing a lot of this.

Why, what exactly is this based on? Lowest goalscorers? Lost most games? Escaped twice in last 4 years on the last day?

Fair enough, but none of that matters a single jot with what we’re facing on Sunday.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but all I know is statistically, and with the bookies we’re more likely to stay up. I also know we are capable of getting something from the game.

So if you have this ‘feeling’ what exactly is it based on? Читать дальше...

Come on then (51 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which two are going down.

Im going with Burton and Blues

Having this ‘feeling’ (12 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

That we’ll go down. I’m hearing a lot of this.

Why, what exactly is this based on? Lowest goalscorers? Lost most games? Escaped twice in last 4 years on the last day?

Fair enough, but none of that matters a single jot with what we’re facing on Sunday.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but all I know is statistically, and with the bookies we’re more likely to stay up. I also know we are capable of getting something from the game.

So if you have this ‘feeling’ what exactly is it based on? Читать дальше...

Sky Super Sunday (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Do they have one for the chumps league or will it just be the Cardiff game on live next week?

Breakfast Today (21 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

As a change from people getting hysterical I think we should talk breakfast

On holiday with Mrs BlueNation so we’re currently behind UK time.

Hotel does a fair breakfast.

Yesterday was Porridge but with added Cinnamon. I wasn’t sure but tried it. Was delicious so will try that again.

Then comes the difficult part. Love a bit of scrambled egg myself BUT the chef here likes his funky presentation a bit, so the scrambled egg is done in a ramekin then turned out. Читать дальше...

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Come on then (50 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which two are going down.

Im going with Burton and Blues

Re: Monk's comments

Small Heath Alliance 


For me, he's been great with his press comments - spot on from the off. I thought what he said after QPR though was odd. He basically admitted the players bottled it. I think he's right, but making that public is surely the biggest lift the players at our relegation rivals could wish for. I'd be amazed if the managers at Bolton, Burton and Barnsley don't use those comments to encourage their players/ give them extra belief this week.
Was it some kind of ploy to fire our lot up?

Читать дальше...

Come on then (49 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which two are going down.

Im going with Burton and Blues

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