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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 01.04.2018

90in90 (3 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

This format of showing all of the highlights of a 90 minute match on the Blues YouTube channel in a minute and a half is dreadful.

Choppy, poorly edited and doesn't show half of what actually went on.

Yesterday's game, fair enough, as besides the goal, Bialakowski's save and Juke's header, not a lot actually happened in term of highlights. But games like the 3-1 win over Sunderland and the 3-2 loss to Cardiff have a lot more going on, boiling the game down to 90 seconds just doesn't work. Читать дальше...

Bolton v Blues (12 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Would be nice if we could manage another clean sheet Tuesday v Bolton mainly because if we can win by 0-2 we would go level on goal diff at -26 each, so 0-3 would take us above them.

But another scruffy 0-1 will do for me. Same team hopefully baring injuries, then if needs be we can freshen it up for the Burton Game;)

Massive following for a night game lift that fekkin Roof Bluenoses and sing your hearts out for the Lads.

Maghoma (7 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Player of the season for me so far. Closely followed by Colin.

Mags has consistently been driving us forward and his work rate is excellent.

Accrington or Albion? (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Look at the tables from other leagues and our 2018/19 will likely either include fixtures against Accrington in front of 2000, or the Albion in front of 20 000.

What more do you need to gee up the players?

90in90 (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

This format of showing all of the highlights of a 90 minute match on the Blues YouTube channel in a minute and a half is dreadful.

Choppy, poorly edited and doesn't show half of what actually went on.

Yesterday's game, fair enough, as besides the goal, Bialakowski's save and Juke's header, not a lot actually happened in term of highlights. But games like the 3-1 win over Sunderland and the 3-2 loss to Cardiff have a lot more going on, boiling the game down to 90 seconds just doesn't work. Читать дальше...

Re: 90in90

Small Heath Alliance 

Thinking about it you're probably right.

When they actually fix the thing I'll think about signing up to it


Small Heath Alliance 

This format of showing all of the highlights of a 90 minute match on the Blues YouTube channel in a minute and a half is dreadful.

Choppy, poorly edited and doesn't show half of what actually went on.

Yesterday's game, fair enough, as besides the goal, Bialakowski's save and Juke's header, not a lot actually happened in term of highlights. But games like the 3-1 win over Sunderland and the 3-2 loss to Cardiff have a lot more going on, boiling the game down to 90 seconds just doesn't work. Читать дальше...

Bolton v Blues (11 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Would be nice if we could manage another clean sheet Tuesday v Bolton mainly because if we can win by 0-2 we would go level on goal diff at -26 each, so 0-3 would take us above them.

But another scruffy 0-1 will do for me. Same team hopefully baring injuries, then if needs be we can freshen it up for the Burton Game;)

Massive following for a night game lift that fekkin Roof Bluenoses and sing your hearts out for the Lads.

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Bolton v Blues (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Would be nice if we could manage another clean sheet Tuesday v Bolton mainly because if we can win by 0-2 we would go level on goal diff at -26 each, so 0-3 would take us above them.

But another scruffy 0-1 will do for me. Same team hopefully baring injuries, then if needs be we can freshen it up for the Burton Game;)

Massive following for a night game lift that fekkin Roof Bluenoses and sing your hearts out for the Lads.

Gallery: Blues 1 Ipswich Town 0

Small Heath Alliance 

Match action pictures from Blues' narrow win against the Tractor Boys.Pictures by Club Photogrpher Roy Smilanic.


Accrington or Albion? (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Look at the tables from other leagues and our 2018/19 will likely either include fixtures against Accrington in front of 2000, or the Albion in front of 20 000.

What more do you need to gee up the players?

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