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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 13.04.2018

Evening Pop Pickers (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

What an easy week, no worry, no stress, and loads of good shit listened to.

Josephine Foster: Child of God: a track from 2012 album. Sort of folky, drony, happy clappy, weird shit, but, trust me, wonderful.

Cairo Gang: Shivers. I'm sure I'm the only fecker on here unfamiliar with 'em. What a revelation. I thought they were some kind of Sheffield synth tossers, but they are nothing like that.......a sort of Velvets, Suicide, Jesus and Mary Chain tribute act, which is really unfair, coz this track is ace. Читать дальше...

Evening Pop Pickers (3 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

What an easy week, no worry, no stress, and loads of good shit listened to.

Josephine Foster: Child of God: a track from 2012 album. Sort of folky, drony, happy clappy, weird shit, but, trust me, wonderful.

Cairo Gang: Shivers. I'm sure I'm the only fecker on here unfamiliar with 'em. What a revelation. I thought they were some kind of Sheffield synth tossers, but they are nothing like that.......a sort of Velvets, Suicide, Jesus and Mary Chain tribute act, which is really unfair, coz this track is ace. Читать дальше...

Re: Evening Pop Pickers

Small Heath Alliance 

I get yer point. The lanky Manic, lopes past our office in a carefree manner eery morning at about 11. Ya got respect the guy for living in Newport rather than somewhere decent, albeit a very des res bit of it. Never really liked 'em, musically, but, warm to 'em as valley boys. Thier asinine anti Corbyn comments about the dignity of Labour in the paper this week has put me right off 'em. Hinds are ace, seen 'em a few times. Haven't heard the new one, but read it has all the energy and charm of the first one with the rough edges fettled off... Читать дальше...

Barnsley V Bolton (25 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

So how do we want this one to go..?

I wanted Bolton to win this few weeks back but now I feel we need Barnsley to win by 3 ir 4 to demoralise Bolton completely and also stuff their GD.

Evening Pop Pickers

Small Heath Alliance 

What an easy week, no worry, no stress, and loads of good shit listened to.

Josephine Foster: Child of God: a track from 2012 album. Sort of folky, drony, happy clappy, weird shit, but, trust me, wonderful.

Cairo Gang: Shivers. I'm sure I'm the only fecker on here unfamiliar with 'em. What a revelation. I thought they were some kind of Sheffield synth tossers, but they are nothing like that.......a sort of Velvets, Suicide, Jesus and Mary Chain tribute act, which is really unfair, coz this track is ace. Читать дальше...

Grand National.... (7 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Who we having then? I’ve had the Dutchman as a tribute to our mike... might lump on tiger roll too but to be honest it’s anyones race....

Blues v Fulham ticket details (23 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Ticketing arrangements for Blues' final Sky Bet Championship game of the season against Fulham at St. Andrew's on Sunday 6 May (12.30pm kick-off).Blues v FulhamSky Bet ChampionshipSt. Andrew's Stadium Sunday 6 May 2018 (12.30pm kick-off)Tickets are on sale from 5pm on Friday 13 April.


Barnsley V Bolton (21 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

So how do we want this one to go..?

I wanted Bolton to win this few weeks back but now I feel we need Barnsley to win by 3 ir 4 to demoralise Bolton completely and also stuff their GD.

Re: Masterchef

Small Heath Alliance 

Sir Heisenberg
I wonder if Waitrose will be stocking the sap from the bark of an Amazonian tree in the near future,

Only I fancy knocking up an emulsion to decorate some deep fried piranha skin.

Could do with some dried alpaca heart as well, please.


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Blues v Fulham ticket details (22 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Ticketing arrangements for Blues' final Sky Bet Championship game of the season against Fulham at St. Andrew's on Sunday 6 May (12.30pm kick-off).Blues v FulhamSky Bet ChampionshipSt. Andrew's Stadium Sunday 6 May 2018 (12.30pm kick-off)Tickets are on sale from 5pm on Friday 13 April.


Gamblers (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

free 1 pound request a bet for the villa game on skybet if yer quick

Re: Gamblers

Small Heath Alliance 

It's a race between me and Southside!

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Paul devlin (11 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Loved him as a blues player. But ffs he don't half make himself look a right thick fecker on social media.

Grand National.... (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Who we having then? I’ve had the Dutchman as a tribute to our mike... might lump on tiger roll too but to be honest it’s anyones race....

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