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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 02.04.2018

Warnock thinks....

Small Heath Alliance 

... a thousand fans on a Monday is brilliant in his post match interview. A team 2nd in the league.
What would he think of nearly 5,000 Blues fans tomorrow?

Millwall (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Having a superb season. Im gonna say it quietly but i want them to win the play offs. Proper team with working class background much like us. Imagine the carnage every week if they went up. Love to see the mess they might cause at West Ham away.

I like Fulham but they are boring and i want them to stay in this league because its a good away day.

Millwall to win the play offs

Going to a Bundesliga game (21 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Off on a stag to Hamburg in a couple of weeks and have tickets to see Hertha Berlin at the Olympicstadion on the Saturday.

Anyone ever been to the stadium? Decent atmosphere wise? More importantly I take it you can drink whilst watching the game? :D

Tea tonight (7 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Out for a cracking lunch at a local restaurant so only need something simple tonight.

Cheese on toast with a splash of Worcester sauce and a big grind of pepper.

Hope you’ve all had a good bank holiday

3 more wins (35 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I think 45 points will be enough to keep us up with Barsnley and Burton's form.

If we can get a win tomorrow night and then beat Burton we'd have to pick up 3 points from 5 games, surely under Monk we can achieve this?

Millwall (14 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Having a superb season. Im gonna say it quietly but i want them to win the play offs. Proper team with working class background much like us. Imagine the carnage every week if they went up. Love to see the mess they might cause at West Ham away.

I like Fulham but they are boring and i want them to stay in this league because its a good away day.

Millwall to win the play offs

Tea tonight (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Out for a cracking lunch at a local restaurant so only need something simple tonight.

Cheese on toast with a splash of Worcester sauce and a big grind of pepper.

Hope you’ve all had a good bank holiday

3 more wins (32 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I think 45 points will be enough to keep us up with Barsnley and Burton's form.

If we can get a win tomorrow night and then beat Burton we'd have to pick up 3 points from 5 games, surely under Monk we can achieve this?

UFOs (32 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 


interesting interview with one of the pilots from the recently released video. it's great that the usual debunkers (and i dont mean just on here but all across the web) have been struck dumb in trying to explain this one

Tea tonight (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Out for a cracking lunch at a local restaurant so only need something simple tonight.

Cheese on toast with a splash of Worcester sauce and a big grind of pepper.

Hope you’ve all had a good bank holiday

Tea tonight

Small Heath Alliance 

Out for a cracking lunch at a local restaurant so only need something simple tonight.

Cheese on toast with a splash of Worcester sauce and a big grind of pepper.

Hope you’ve all had a good bank holiday

Millwall (13 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Having a superb season. Im gonna say it quietly but i want them to win the play offs. Proper team with working class background much like us. Imagine the carnage every week if they went up. Love to see the mess they might cause at West Ham away.

I like Fulham but they are boring and i want them to stay in this league because its a good away day.

Millwall to win the play offs

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UFOs (29 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 


interesting interview with one of the pilots from the recently released video. it's great that the usual debunkers (and i dont mean just on here but all across the web) have been struck dumb in trying to explain this one

UFOs (28 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 


interesting interview with one of the pilots from the recently released video. it's great that the usual debunkers (and i dont mean just on here but all across the web) have been struck dumb in trying to explain this one

Millwall (11 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Having a superb season. Im gonna say it quietly but i want them to win the play offs. Proper team with working class background much like us. Imagine the carnage every week if they went up. Love to see the mess they might cause at West Ham away.

I like Fulham but they are boring and i want them to stay in this league because its a good away day.

Millwall to win the play offs

Bolton v Birmingham preview (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Bolton midfielder Darren Pratley could come into contention against Birmingham after missing the 2-1 defeat at Leeds because of a leg injury.


Bolton v Birmingham preview

Small Heath Alliance 

Bolton midfielder Darren Pratley could come into contention against Birmingham after missing the 2-1 defeat at Leeds because of a leg injury.


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