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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 08.04.2018

Re: The Masters.

Small Heath Alliance 

How’s everyone’s bets going.

Rory not really getting his putter going today.

Speith on fire though

Recommend earphones please (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Looking to get some new earphones for my iPhone

Not sure about Bluetooth ones??

Mainly used for running and when I’m doing stuff at work when I want to block out the wasters.

Send me your Blues matches on VHS for converting (18 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 


If you have any tapes left hanging around with decent Blues games on then I'll convert them send you a download link so you can have a digital copy instead.

I've put a few Blues vids on Youtube last month including the whole LC final BBC coverage: [www.youtube.com], so I'll put them on youtube as well.

Anyone interested, or have all those VHS tapes gone now? I'm not sending any tapes back, by the way. PM me.



Awesome Socks (11 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

For those of you who like to look a bit stylish and well groomed.

I got some great socks from M&S. a pack of 7 I think. All different colours but black toe, heel and ankle cuff.

The best thing is the subtle thin black stripe running through them.

£12. Fill your boots lads.

Help for Hazel (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Come on people of SHA, this courageous little lady deserves all the help she can get, our government will not help with this sort of thing, which I think is absolutely disgusting. Born with a very rare Chromosome disorder called 18p deletion, Hazel does not communicate well as her development is delayed and she is unable to walk unaided.

She has kept on defying all the odds, doctors said she'd never walk but she has started to take just a few steps with support and has started to use sign language. Читать дальше...

FAO Billy the Fish (21 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Good to see you today. Kids loved the sing song in the taxi. Make sure you’re in Hens more often sir.

cheap international phone calls (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I'm with virgin media and they charge a fortune for calls to the irish republic. Can anyone reccommend a decent pre-load international calling card to use?
There are tons on gooooogle, but personal annecdotes always trump their ads.

Wes harding (14 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

The lad has done fantastic. Without a doubt a player that should be playing more regularly next season. Really surprised me and im glad for him.

HOWEVER I do think that grounds needs to be left back. Im really not a fan of colin left back, and I would much rather see him right back.

Grounds, dean, morrison, colin

Our next few games are crucial for our clubs future.

Here we go again. (7 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Found out last night Baby Bluemarc number 2 is on the way.

Due at Xmas 8-) that will be fun with our 2 year old toddler.

Can’t wait though :D

Wes harding (13 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

The lad has done fantastic. Without a doubt a player that should be playing more regularly next season. Really surprised me and im glad for him.

HOWEVER I do think that grounds needs to be left back. Im really not a fan of colin left back, and I would much rather see him right back.

Grounds, dean, morrison, colin

Our next few games are crucial for our clubs future.

FAO Billy the Fish (20 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Good to see you today. Kids loved the sing song in the taxi. Make sure you’re in Hens more often sir.

cheap international phone calls (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I'm with virgin media and they charge a fortune for calls to the irish republic. Can anyone reccommend a decent pre-load international calling card to use?
There are tons on gooooogle, but personal annecdotes always trump their ads.

Send me your Blues matches on VHS for converting (16 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 


If you have any tapes left hanging around with decent Blues games on then I'll convert them send you a download link so you can have a digital copy instead.

I've put a few Blues vids on Youtube last month including the whole LC final BBC coverage: [www.youtube.com], so I'll put them on youtube as well.

Anyone interested, or have all those VHS tapes gone now? I'm not sending any tapes back, by the way. PM me.



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Here we go again. (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Found out last night Baby Bluemarc number 2 is on the way.

Due at Xmas 8-) that will be fun with our 2 year old toddler.

Can’t wait though :D

Help for Hazel (9 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Come on people of SHA, this courageous little lady deserves all the help she can get, our government will not help with this sort of thing, which I think is absolutely disgusting. Born with a very rare Chromosome disorder called 18p deletion, Hazel does not communicate well as her development is delayed and she is unable to walk unaided.

She has kept on defying all the odds, doctors said she'd never walk but she has started to take just a few steps with support and has started to use sign language. Читать дальше...

Super computer (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

For those who didn’t click has us finishing on 41 pts, they really hate us dont they the meaning evil :D

Re: Super computer

Small Heath Alliance 

That table has given me aids.

cheap international phone calls (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I'm with virgin media and they charge a fortune for calls to the irish republic. Can anyone reccommend a decent pre-load international calling card to use?
There are tons on gooooogle, but personal annecdotes always trump their ads.

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