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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 25.04.2018

Tea or Coffee? (32 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which is your breakfast drink of choice??

It’s tea in the BlueNation household.

But I do throw in the odd coffee to change things around

Colin Doyle (23 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

This popped up on my Twitter timeline today and made me smile


His wife and kids enjoying Mr Blue Sky at the Bradford game yesterday.


Cov v Lincoln (13 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I spoke to my Cov supporting mate yesterday and he reckons that the Imps were taking 3,000 fans to last night's game. Is that possible, have they got that many? If it's true it makes 5,000 Blues fans at Bolton look at bit average. I've looked online but I can't see how many they took.

I can't see the Cowley Bros staying after this, especially if they lose in the play-offs. Those people writing off the FA Cup are discounting the exposure it gives to lower league teams and their players and... Читать дальше...

Bolton (19 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

As much as we're not quite safe yet I would not want to be a Bolton fan for the next couple of weeks

Cov v Lincoln (12 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I spoke to my Cov supporting mate yesterday and he reckons that the Imps were taking 3,000 fans to last night's game. Is that possible, have they got that many? If it's true it makes 5,000 Blues fans at Bolton look at bit average. I've looked online but I can't see how many they took.

I can't see the Cowley Bros staying after this, especially if they lose in the play-offs. Those people writing off the FA Cup are discounting the exposure it gives to lower league teams and their players and... Читать дальше...


Small Heath Alliance 

Out of world cup


bit sh*t (td)?

Tea or Coffee? (31 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which is your breakfast drink of choice??

It’s tea in the BlueNation household.

But I do throw in the odd coffee to change things around

Tea or Coffee? (29 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which is your breakfast drink of choice??

It’s tea in the BlueNation household.

But I do throw in the odd coffee to change things around

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That Cotterill Statement (73 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I know it's probably been raised many times already here, but with safety almost secured, the team playing decent football and creating chances aplenty and us the supporters returning in numbers, that
"it doesn't matter who's in charge, nothing will change" remark gets more and more ridiculous by the day

Bolton (18 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

As much as we're not quite safe yet I would not want to be a Bolton fan for the next couple of weeks

Colin Doyle (22 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

This popped up on my Twitter timeline today and made me smile


His wife and kids enjoying Mr Blue Sky at the Bradford game yesterday.


Tea or Coffee? (28 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which is your breakfast drink of choice??

It’s tea in the BlueNation household.

But I do throw in the odd coffee to change things around

Trevor (157 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

So being a little bit to young (36), I never got to see TF playing for Blues in his prime.

I have obviously seen plenty of goals on Youtube and other bits and pieces.

What I wanted to ask was, which player would he be most comparable to in todays game do we think? For some of the older lot that watched him week in week out.

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