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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 16.04.2018

Joe Hart (7 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Feck me. He's finished. Appalling goalkeeper

Re: Joe Hart

Small Heath Alliance 

Never been the same keeper since he's started washing his hair on the telly

Is Monk actually that good? (49 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Yes he got a couple of lucky results, but we seem to be stuck in a rut again.

I did say he would face the same problems SC did.

I can see Monk leading us to relegation.

Yesterday and today on SHA (18 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

What with the relegation threads and the Commonwealth Games thread, there’s been plenty of spleen-venting on here in the last 36 hours or so.

The faux-rage is entertaining to begin with, but it does get a bit tiresome eventually, doesn’t it?

I predict a period of super-optimism in the next few days just to balance things up.

And then 24 hours of middle of the road common sense.

Yeah, like that’s going to happen.

cocker (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

joe or jarvis
i like em both.
never liked that shit manc northern type rubbish music but i do like pulp,ive got different class on my turntable now.
and joe could belt out a gud en.

Joe Hart

Small Heath Alliance 

Feck me. He's finished. Appalling goalkeeper

The Sheffield utd view of us (7 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

They seem pretty even minded and dont try and come the the "Big I am"


They have sold out but not sure how many.

Bolton to beat Wolves (27 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Absolutely nailed on.

Wolves have 6 days now to lark about on the training pitch, meet with their agents, dream about the riches to come.

I was going to say we missed a trick today but it's probably not true. We did everything we could reasonably be expected to do.

We have a squad of very average players who hopefully can grind out a few results to keep us up.

I don't know what happens then though.

The Sheffield utd view of us (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

They seem pretty even minded and dont try and come the the "Big I am"


They have sold out but not sure how many.

cocker (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

joe or jarvis
i like em both.
never liked that shit manc northern type rubbish music but i do like pulp,ive got different class on my turntable now.
and joe could belt out a gud en.

Is Monk actually that good? (48 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Yes he got a couple of lucky results, but we seem to be stuck in a rut again.

I did say he would face the same problems SC did.

I can see Monk leading us to relegation.

Touching raw meat (1 reply)

Small Heath Alliance 

What’s the matter with these millennials eh Tom?


cocker (1 reply)

Small Heath Alliance 

joe or jarvis
i like em both.
never liked that shit manc northern type rubbish music but i do like pulp,ive got different class on my turntable now.
and joe could belt out a gud en.

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Re: cocker

Small Heath Alliance 

Jarvis for me. My first CD album was different class. My dad gave me the choice of that or an oasis album for Xmas.

Touching raw meat

Small Heath Alliance 

What’s the matter with these millennials eh Tom?



Small Heath Alliance 

joe or jarvis
i like em both.
never liked that shit manc northern type rubbish music but i do like pulp,ive got different class on my turntable now.
and joe could belt out a gud en.

The Sheffield utd view of us (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

They seem pretty even minded and dont try and come the the "Big I am"


They have sold out but not sure how many.

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