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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 07.04.2018

Our Viv (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Just seen today's goal, clearly too good for that league, Good pre season under his belt with our Garry could be the making of him

Our Viv

Small Heath Alliance 

Just seen today's goal, clearly too good for that league, Good pre season under his belt with our Garry could be the making of him

A Freak Game (22 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

One of them that football sometimes throws up.

We had 25 shots today. 13 on target.

I can only assume the people on here grumbling didn’t attend the game because we were good.

One of them.

Favourite butchers (13 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Coopers on the coventry road by a countrymile?good old school butcher,sawdust on the floor type,non of this fancy dan pre packed nonsense also the bread pasties and pies that are cooked fresh everyday out the back are to die for...once you've been there you'll never buy supermarket meat again.

Jota (37 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Absolutely wonderful player, IMO

Jota (31 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Absolutely wonderful player, IMO

FAO Billy the Fish (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Good to see you today. Kids loved the sing song in the taxi. Make sure you’re in Hens more often sir.

Favourite butchers (7 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Coopers on the coventry road by a countrymile?good old school butcher,sawdust on the floor type,non of this fancy dan pre packed nonsense also the bread pasties and pies that are cooked fresh everyday out the back are to die for...once you've been there you'll never buy supermarket meat again.

Re: Favourite butchers

Small Heath Alliance 

25 quids worth (5kg) of chicken breast yewtree. Had some nice steaks off him as well.

Try not to buy supermarket meat anymore. Generally lesser quality and seems cheap but when you cook it, it shrinks a lot suggesting water injection lol.

A Freak Game (17 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

One of them that football sometimes throws up.

We had 25 shots today. 13 on target.

I can only assume the people on here grumbling didn’t attend the game because we were good.

One of them.

what is it with burton fans (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

They only have to travel down past Lichfield past Sutton and into blues but still only bring about 300 with away support like that you deserve to go down tamworth take more away

Favourite butchers

Small Heath Alliance 

Coopers on the coventry road by a countrymile?good old school butcher,sawdust on the floor type,non of this fancy dan pre packed nonsense also the bread pasties and pies that are cooked fresh everyday out the back are to die for...once you've been there you'll never buy supermarket meat again.

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Jota (24 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Absolutely wonderful player, IMO

A Freak Game (13 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

One of them that football sometimes throws up.

We had 25 shots today. 13 on target.

I can only assume the people on here grumbling didn’t attend the game because we were good.

One of them.

FAO Billy the Fish (3 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Good to see you today. Kids loved the sing song in the taxi. Make sure you’re in Hens more often sir.

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