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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 28.04.2018

Getting a dog?? (53 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Thinking about getting a dog.
Had one before jack russell lived for the guts of 17 years. Devestated when he went to k9 heaven.
House is big enough with a conservatory it can sleep in. Ten minutes from beaches etc so plenty of good walks etc wont be a problem.
Have 7 year old twin boys down every second weekend. So need something that wont eat them but at the same time want a big (ish) hound. And a breed that wont destroy the house if possibpe would be a bonus
Any suggestions???... Читать дальше...

The ground/atmosphere next week (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Must be made vile like st Andrews of old next Saturday,one of the worse grounds to visit back in the day for visiting teams and fans, from the walk up the hill if your an away fan to players being beaten in the tunnel (ipswich town) I've seen it all down the years but now and again this club and fans are at its best when we have our backs to the wall....them posh cockneys won't know what's hit em if the ground is rocking....

45% off All Relegation Bets Going On Blues (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

According to an article on [www.oddschecker.com] 45% of the bets going on relegation from The Championship, involve Blues. Personally I think the couple of the bookies offering generous odds of 25/1 at the moment, on Blues going down. Hence the high number of bets.

We ve blew it (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Hardest fixture left. Nailed on that barnsley and burton will win.

Can see it coming a mile off. Gutted.

We dont deserve to stay up after today. Completely bottled it.

The ground/atmosphere next week (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Must be made vile like st Andrews of old next Saturday,one of the worse grounds to visit back in the day for visiting teams and fans, from the walk up the hill if your an away fan to players being beaten in the tunnel (ipswich town) I've seen it all down the years but now and again this club and fans are at its best when we have our backs to the wall....them posh cockneys won't know what's hit em if the ground is rocking....

Re: The ground/atmosphere next week

Small Heath Alliance 

The Eton rifle
Must be made vile like st Andrews of old next Saturday,one of the worse grounds to visit back in the day for visiting teams and fans, from the walk up the hill if your an away fan to players being beaten in the tunnel (ipswich town) I've seen it all down the years but now and again this club and fans are at its best when we have our backs to the wall....them posh cockneys won't know what's hit em if the ground is rocking....

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Getting a dog?? (47 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Thinking about getting a dog.
Had one before jack russell lived for the guts of 17 years. Devestated when he went to k9 heaven.
House is big enough with a conservatory it can sleep in. Ten minutes from beaches etc so plenty of good walks etc wont be a problem.
Have 7 year old twin boys down every second weekend. So need something that wont eat them but at the same time want a big (ish) hound. And a breed that wont destroy the house if possibpe would be a bonus
Any suggestions???... Читать дальше...

Time for Grounds (9 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Harding got done repeatedly during the matxh. We need all the expeience we have and full backs playing on their correct side please Monk.

We're staying up (101 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Thats all.

Drama queens go to bed and have a word with yourselves. This is Blues and its how Blues do it. Never boring.

We ve blew it

Small Heath Alliance 

Hardest fixture left. Nailed on that barnsley and burton will win.

Can see it coming a mile off. Gutted.

We dont deserve to stay up after today. Completely bottled it.

The positives (18 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

If Cotterill was still manager we’d have been costa del blowfly weeks ago

GM Upper - what's happening ? (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Are they going to open up the rest, why are the club dicking around, you would think we are all mad axemen the way they are carrying on

Anyone remember the wheelie bin incident v millwall back in the day ?

Sitting in the other end (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Couldn't get a ticket to sit with the blues fans so had to sit in their end.
Blues fans seemed to be very quiet, the acoustics don't allow sound to carry that far.
The rangers fans thought we were very poor, especially in midfield and up front.
Before the game they were saying they were playing a load of kids and didn't expect much.
Jota's haircut got a lot of stick and Ndyoe gave them a good laugh.
Second half we went and watched it under the stand on the tv where a rather fat... Читать дальше...

GM Upper - what's happening ?

Small Heath Alliance 

Are they going to open up the rest, why are the club dicking around, you would think we are all mad axemen the way they are carrying on

Anyone remember the wheelie bin incident v millwall back in the day ?

The ground/atmosphere next week

Small Heath Alliance 

Must be made vile like st Andrews of old next Saturday,one of the worse grounds to visit back in the day for visiting teams and fans, from the walk up the hill if your an away fan to players being beaten in the tunnel (ipswich town) I've seen it all down the years but now and again this club and fans are at its best when we have our backs to the wall....them posh cockneys won't know what's hit em if the ground is rocking....

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The anti Rowett brigade (12 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Tough day for you lot next Sunday

Rowett gets a result we stay up and they most likely make the play offs

Rowett doesn’t get a result and we could go down but you get to laugh at him

The anti Rowett brigade (9 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Tough day for you lot next Sunday

Rowett gets a result we stay up and they most likely make the play offs

Rowett doesn’t get a result and we could go down but you get to laugh at him

Sitting in the other end (1 reply)

Small Heath Alliance 

Couldn't get a ticket to sit with the blues fans so had to sit in their end.
Blues fans seemed to be very quiet, the acoustics don't allow sound to carry that far.
The rangers fans thought we were very poor, especially in midfield and up front.
Before the game they were saying they were playing a load of kids and didn't expect much.
Jota's haircut got a lot of stick and Ndyoe gave them a good laugh.
Second half we went and watched it under the stand on the tv where a rather fat... Читать дальше...

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