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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 17.04.2018

My old man (18 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Is having trials for England on Sunday. Walking football. Scored 23 in 25.
Go on big Dave!

Boga? (14 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Have I missed anything about his absence Sunday? Injury?

Blues Records (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 


According to this, a player would have to make 389 appearances or score at least 83 goals to crack the respective top 10 records.

What do you reckon of this happening in your lifetime?

Asking because the most recently active player on the list is Trevor.

Wolves (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

We’ll soon find out how dodgy their dealings have been:


Why don’t the EFL do these stringent checks? It’s almost like no one gives a sh&t about football outside of the premier league...

Re: Wolves

Small Heath Alliance 

I think you have answered your own question there.

Wolves (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

We’ll soon find out how dodgy their dealings have been:


Why don’t the EFL do these stringent checks? It’s almost like no one gives a sh&t about football outside of the premier league...


Small Heath Alliance 

We’ll soon find out how dodgy their dealings have been:


Why don’t the EFL do these stringent checks? It’s almost like no one gives a sh&t about football outside of the premier league...

My old man (17 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Is having trials for England on Sunday. Walking football. Scored 23 in 25.
Go on big Dave!

Boga? (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Have I missed anything about his absence Sunday? Injury?

The Sheffield utd view of us (18 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

They seem pretty even minded and dont try and come the the "Big I am"


They have sold out but not sure how many.

Re: The Sheffield utd view of us

Small Heath Alliance 

Greebo the record arrests was early seventies @ hillsboough, the night game at bramall Lane was great craic!!

Is Monk actually that good? (81 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Yes he got a couple of lucky results, but we seem to be stuck in a rut again.

I did say he would face the same problems SC did.

I can see Monk leading us to relegation.

Is Monk actually that good? (80 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Yes he got a couple of lucky results, but we seem to be stuck in a rut again.

I did say he would face the same problems SC did.

I can see Monk leading us to relegation.

My old man (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Is having trials for England on Sunday. Walking football. Scored 23 in 25.
Go on big Dave!

Blues Records (1 reply)

Small Heath Alliance 


According to this, a player would have to make 389 appearances or score at least 83 goals to crack the respective top 10 records.

What do you reckon of this happening in your lifetime?

Asking because the most recently active player on the list is Trevor.

Re: Blues Records

Small Heath Alliance 

This Is Hip by John Lee Hooker.

Fulham ticket (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Trying to buy a Fulham ticket online to print at home and not getting the option, anyone else having the same issue

Fulham ticket

Small Heath Alliance 

Trying to buy a Fulham ticket online to print at home and not getting the option, anyone else having the same issue

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Blues Records

Small Heath Alliance 


According to this, a player would have to make 389 appearances or score at least 83 goals to crack the respective top 10 records.

What do you reckon of this happening in your lifetime?

Asking because the most recently active player on the list is Trevor.

International Airport (8 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Just landed back from Dublin, seen a load of villa stickers from a stag do in February this year, how the feck ain't they scraped that shit off? Dirty vilers

The Power of Positivity (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Maybe it's all a load of hippy guff but there is a school of thought that believes thinking positively can produce more rewarding results in your life, and conversely negative thinking promotes disappointment. It makes sense to me but then I have hippyish, peace and love tendencies.

Regardless, it can't hurt to be positive for three games. We all have our fears and worries over the outcome and we all react differently. Last night I was irked by what were some differing views to my own and let the child in me resort to name calling. Читать дальше...

Boga? (8 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Have I missed anything about his absence Sunday? Injury?

Boga? (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Have I missed anything about his absence Sunday? Injury?

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