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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 05.04.2018

Bristol (18 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Come on part timers let’s sell this one out FFS it’s only down the road!
They were desperate to relegate us last season so let’s be desperate to stop there play off hopes!!
Cmon get down there

LISTEN: EFL Matters podcast (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Listen to the EFL Matters podcast, as Charlton captain Johnnie Jackson and Matt Murray join David Prutton to discuss all the latest talking points in the Championship, League One and League Two.


LISTEN: EFL Matters podcast

Small Heath Alliance 

Listen to the EFL Matters podcast, as Charlton captain Johnnie Jackson and Matt Murray join David Prutton to discuss all the latest talking points in the Championship, League One and League Two.


Re: The Masters.

Small Heath Alliance 

I think it's more a case of him being f*cked by that green this time!

Away membership question (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I’m sure this has been asked before but I can’t find the answer anywhere.

Does anybody know how many away games you need to have attended for Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze? Thanks in advance.

The Masters

Small Heath Alliance 

...wtf was Garcia thinking ....a 13 !

The N'Doye bashing... (64 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Anyone else think it's all loaded with some thinly veiled racism and he'd get an easier ride from many fans if he was British and / or white?

Nominate us for the Football Blogging Awards! (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

It's that time again. The Football Blogging Awards will be returning next month at Alexandra Palace in London. We'd love to be a part of such a prestigious event once again representing Blues, but we need your help! Since the launch of our website in 2014, we were delighted to have the foundations b


The N'Doye bashing... (63 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Anyone else think it's all loaded with some thinly veiled racism and he'd get an easier ride from many fans if he was British and / or white?

Bristol (16 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Come on part timers let’s sell this one out FFS it’s only down the road!
They were desperate to relegate us last season so let’s be desperate to stop there play off hopes!!
Cmon get down there

Re: Arsenal

Small Heath Alliance 

(tu) the Renaldo finish was something last night but that goal was even better.


Small Heath Alliance 

3rd goal 8-)

Meanwhile, Over In Australian Cricket ... (51 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

... Mr. Warner accepts his ban


Not sure he had much option after Smith and Bancroft accepted theirs, Warner would have looked even more of a trouble maker if he had appealed.

I sense their "bans" are eased somewhat by the knowledge they will be allowed to play county cricket this season by all accounts...

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Nice Touch (9 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

On my way to work this morning i noticed a PNE wreath by the Birmingham 21 memorial stone and on a closer inspection noticed one from all the midlands clubs and Middlesbrough, Millwall and Chelsea if my memory serves me right.

I cant remember if this has been done before?

Crank up the volume! (8 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Let's really make a racket tomorrow. I remember the late Graham Taylor saying his side were trembling in the tunnel before the play off game because of noise and atmosphere. Daily Express once commented "most intimidating ground in the Premiership". Let's get that back.

Che Adams' red card appeal rejected (45 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Garry Monk has expressed his disappointment following the FA's decision not to rescind the red card issued to Che Adams during Tuesday night's win at Bolton Wanderers.The striker was dismissed 67 minutes into the 1-0 victory at the Macron Stadium by referee Oliver Langford for a foul on Bolton subst


March for Men (12 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Can someone please explain, this nationwide march for men to highlight prostate cancer, there are organised walks in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow but not Brum!
If anyone wants to join in the nearest is bloody Nottingham, WTF is that all about.
I would deffo join in if we had one here, its a cause very close to my heart as two fellow Directors had it. I always wear the prostate badge which is invariably a talking point at meetings.


March for Men (11 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Can someone please explain, this nationwide march for men to highlight prostate cancer, there are organised walks in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow but not Brum!
If anyone wants to join in the nearest is bloody Nottingham, WTF is that all about.
I would deffo join in if we had one here, its a cause very close to my heart as two fellow Directors had it. I always wear the prostate badge which is invariably a talking point at meetings.


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