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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 06.04.2018

Burton Predictions (17 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I'm trying to be optimistic but this is Blues and something's bound to snap.

1-1 with Darren Bent getting a fluke equaliser in the last minute, either him or Lloyd Dyer

Boss - The Burton game is our biggest of the season so far (11 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Garry Monk says he has stressed the importance of Saturday's home game against Burton Albion to his players and says there will be no complacency heading into the crunch fixture."There's no expecting us to win just because we've won three.


Global Gathering (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Is it on this year?
I know they had a sabbatical but cat remember if it was for last year or this year.

Cardiff v dog heads (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Even enough so far - best chance to Cardiff
Atmosphere shite, no noise from the dog heads and
Cardiff very quiet - they used to be pretty good a few years back

Come on the Taffs - a win and they are 11 points ahead of vile and should be job done

Re: Cardiff v dog heads

Small Heath Alliance 

Worst thing about Nuno Espírito Santo is that he gets the dog heads up and are in the bottom 6 until December and then along comes the tin tack for him then you take your pick from the usual manager merry go round shite that always happens.

I hope they stick with him when they do shit cos they have been different gravy in this league if we are all honest for minute.

Oh and SOTV and JT in team of the season? What a bunch of muppets.

Perhaps he can get juanked off in... Читать дальше...

Inn on the Green (24 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Was up Acocks Green last night and decided to pop in and try a few of the ales. Had a really good time, great ales, decent people and good music.

Drinking in Yardley tonight with a few people trying to remember what it used to be called. Googled it to no avail.

Anyone have any idea?

Burton Predictions (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I'm trying to be optimistic but this is Blues and something's bound to snap.

1-1 with Darren Bent getting a fluke equaliser in the last minute, either him or Lloyd Dyer

Parking tomorrow (8 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Usually get the train in to town and walk through digbeth on a match day but I’m driving tomorrow for the first time since god knows when. Where’s the best place to park where my motor won’t get broken into? Don’t mind paying the fiver or whatever it is these days to park on a trading estate. Ta muchly

The Sportsman (1 reply)

Small Heath Alliance 

Loved that place. Article in the "Zulu" fanzine...."Day out at the asylum" Sounds about right. Memories?

Re: The Sportsman

Small Heath Alliance 

Video in the below


Tomorrow's team (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Stock , McQueen , Layton , Pleasance , Coburn , Garner , Bronson , McCallum , Attenborough ,Jackson and Shuey McPhee

The Sportsman (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Loved that place. Article in the "Zulu" fanzine...."Day out at the asylum" Sounds about right. Memories?

The Sportsman

Small Heath Alliance 

Loved that place. Article in the "Zulu" fanzine...."Day out at the asylum" Sounds about right. Memories?

Parking tomorrow (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Usually get the train in to town and walk through digbeth on a match day but I’m driving tomorrow for the first time since god knows when. Where’s the best place to park where my motor won’t get broken into? Don’t mind paying the fiver or whatever it is these days to park on a trading estate. Ta muchly

Re: Parking tomorrow

Small Heath Alliance 

Grass verge which merges into small eef highway. Never had any issues there.

Global Gathering (9 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Is it on this year?
I know they had a sabbatical but cat remember if it was for last year or this year.

We don't ask for much.. (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

The last few games have reinforced what most of us already knew, as Blues fans, we don't ask for or expect much. Just a team prepared to work their socks off every single week, have pride in their performance and perform to the best of their ability at all times. We don't expect to be chasing trophies, that is a welcome rarity when it crops up, but in the main we just want to see the fight and spirit of the last 3 games. No doubt, most of the performances pre Monk were down to poor management, but... Читать дальше...

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We don't ask for much..

Small Heath Alliance 

The last few games have reinforced what most of us already knew, as Blues fans, we don't ask for or expect much. Just a team prepared to work their socks off every single week, have pride in their performance and perform to the best of their ability at all times. We don't expect to be chasing trophies, that is a welcome rarity when it crops up, but in the main we just want to see the fight and spirit of the last 3 games. No doubt, most of the performances pre Monk were down to poor management, but... Читать дальше...

Re: Crank up the volume!

Small Heath Alliance 

Last time I spoke to Alison - one of the last gaffers she said Phyllis was not doing too good - certainly a character - used to get the broom out and bash a few every now and again

Parking tomorrow

Small Heath Alliance 

Usually get the train in to town and walk through digbeth on a match day but I’m driving tomorrow for the first time since god knows when. Where’s the best place to park where my motor won’t get broken into? Don’t mind paying the fiver or whatever it is these days to park on a trading estate. Ta muchly

Didn't Realise... (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Just heard Terry Christian on TS.

Talking about the humiliation that Man Utd could suffer tomorrow at Man City if Man City win the league.

He said the only other time of humiliation was when Man City beat Man Utd with that famous Denis Law back flick resulting in Man Utd being relegated.

He said ever since, Man City fans have gone on about that day. The day they relegated United. Not true apparently.

The truth is they didn't!

He said that Man... Читать дальше...

Cardiff v dog heads (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Even enough so far - best chance to Cardiff
Atmosphere shite, no noise from the dog heads and
Cardiff very quiet - they used to be pretty good a few years back

Come on the Taffs - a win and they are 11 points ahead of vile and should be job done

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