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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 22.04.2018

Harding & Colin (22 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Wes Harding's emergence has been one of the few bright spots of the season, but does create a problem, what happens to Maxim Colin? I really like Colin, one of the few summer transfers who can hold his head up high, but I'm not convinced by him at left back. Can't see him sticking around if he's on the bench / reserves. Then again it would be a travesty to hold back Harding's development. Maybe a half-season loan for Harding and see what develops?

Harding & Colin (20 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Wes Harding's emergence has been one of the few bright spots of the season, but does create a problem, what happens to Maxim Colin? I really like Colin, one of the few summer transfers who can hold his head up high, but I'm not convinced by him at left back. Can't see him sticking around if he's on the bench / reserves. Then again it would be a travesty to hold back Harding's development. Maybe a half-season loan for Harding and see what develops?

Albion and stoke (7 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Will be good to go back to them places again next season missed them away days,just think of the next season championship away days derby,forest,Albion,stoke,villa (maybe) Sheffield clubs not to far either some crackers, stick your premier up your arse all day long.

Re: Underwear

Small Heath Alliance 

Southside Blue
What is it with players wearing bras ?

I’m the men’s or women’s game?

Sunday’s Thought (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Remember when people had diaries and got mad when someone read them? Now they put everything online and get mad when people don't.

Great day yesterday, it’s why I’m glad I support the club I do and for those that don’t go, you really should

Harding & Colin (13 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Wes Harding's emergence has been one of the few bright spots of the season, but does create a problem, what happens to Maxim Colin? I really like Colin, one of the few summer transfers who can hold his head up high, but I'm not convinced by him at left back. Can't see him sticking around if he's on the bench / reserves. Then again it would be a travesty to hold back Harding's development. Maybe a half-season loan for Harding and see what develops?

Albion and stoke (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Will be good to go back to them places again next season missed them away days,just think of the next season championship away days derby,forest,Albion,stoke,villa (maybe) Sheffield clubs not to far either some crackers, stick your premier up your arse all day long.

Re: Albion and stoke

Small Heath Alliance 

I think you're jumping the gun a bit there, we still need a result


Small Heath Alliance 

What is it with players wearing bras ?

Albion and stoke

Small Heath Alliance 

Will be good to go back to them places again next season missed them away days,just think of the next season championship away days derby,forest,Albion,stoke,villa (maybe) Sheffield clubs not to far either some crackers, stick your premier up your arse all day long.

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Walsall (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Are really in the muck this year.

I've got a Walsall-supporting mate, he says that the performances have been piss-poor and the atmosphere at the Bescot has been even worse. Apparently only around 3000 attendance at home games.

Would be a shame to see them go down as I've always had a soft spot for the Saddlers. And it's not good for Midlands football either.

I've been moaning a lot about Blues this year, but it really could be worse.

Re: Walsall

Small Heath Alliance 

I'd gamble on taking Oztumer off them...

You Bears (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Beat Northants by an innings and 48 runs. Not a bad weekend.....

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