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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 15.04.2018

Line up (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I get the caution today but surely playing Davis wide left and Jota behind Juke would have been better.

Better defensively and given us more threat on the break.

Ah well onto Saturday now and Adams and Mags back in with Gallagher off the bench when Juke tires gives us a proper threat again.

Glad I’m not picking the back 4 - all over the place now as no left sided CB option.

Prayer mat time

Re: Line up

Small Heath Alliance 

Roberts scares me to death.

The boo boys (23 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

See they’ve turned their attentions back on Morrison after N’Doye’s decent game today.

Sad really when the manager calls for an ‘all in this together’ spirit.

Gallagher (8 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

So was his "return to fitness" a smokescreen, or did his calf flare up again in the meantime.....?

Re: QPR tickets

Small Heath Alliance 

I think Oldham had one spare, maybe two.

PM him on here if anyone's still needing one.

So then (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Down to the wire yet again,deep down we all knew didn't We?

Ndoye (20 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Impressed today -seemed much more assured and calm ,a few nice passes

Burnley (20 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

What a brilliant job Sean Dyche is doing.
They are now within touching distance of Arsenal in 6th spot.
A mate of mine has a terminal condition and is from Burnley.
I know that his team are making him smile regularly and long may that continue (tu)

‘Supporter’ gnomes (29 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

It’s laughable that the club is trying to pass off a generic blue and white gnome as a supporter gnome.

Where’s the Blues badge? Only two stripes on the gnome’s shoes! When the club starts taking care of stuff like this then maybe we can start to make a serious push for promotion, but until then we’ll be fighting for survival every season. I will not be purchasing a supporter gnome, and the club is going to have to go without much needed revenue. I want a Blues gnome....wearing a Blues... Читать дальше...

Line up

Small Heath Alliance 

I get the caution today but surely playing Davis wide left and Jota behind Juke would have been better.

Better defensively and given us more threat on the break.

Ah well onto Saturday now and Adams and Mags back in with Gallagher off the bench when Juke tires gives us a proper threat again.

Glad I’m not picking the back 4 - all over the place now as no left sided CB option.

Prayer mat time

Keep right on (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

[youtu.be] not seen this version before but now is the time to keep right on

The boo boys (21 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

See they’ve turned their attentions back on Morrison after N’Doye’s decent game today.

Sad really when the manager calls for an ‘all in this together’ spirit.

‘Supporter’ gnomes (27 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

It’s laughable that the club is trying to pass off a generic blue and white gnome as a supporter gnome.

Where’s the Blues badge? Only two stripes on the gnome’s shoes! When the club starts taking care of stuff like this then maybe we can start to make a serious push for promotion, but until then we’ll be fighting for survival every season. I will not be purchasing a supporter gnome, and the club is going to have to go without much needed revenue. I want a Blues gnome....wearing a Blues... Читать дальше...

Ndoye (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Impressed today -seemed much more assured and calm ,a few nice passes

Burnley (16 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

What a brilliant job Sean Dyche is doing.
They are now within touching distance of Arsenal in 6th spot.
A mate of mine has a terminal condition and is from Burnley.
I know that his team are making him smile regularly and long may that continue (tu)

McBurnie (14 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Is he rapidly becoming a real hate figure?

Just watched the Barnsley Bolton highlights, not enough to try & put their pen taker off, in the ensuing melee he throws himself to the ground claiming to have been slapped.

Absolute chunt of a man....disgrace of a footballer.

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Keep right on (3 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

[youtu.be] not seen this version before but now is the time to keep right on

So then (1 reply)

Small Heath Alliance 

Down to the wire yet again,deep down we all knew didn't We?

Re: So then

Small Heath Alliance 

Not at beginning of season , (I felt confident back then) however Now it’s just based on optimism!


So then

Small Heath Alliance 

Down to the wire yet again,deep down we all knew didn't We?

Proud to be a Brummie YESSSSS (32 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Great choice of music and scene setting from the closing ceremony handover to Birmingham for the Commenwealth Games - Lets all support our great city and prove the haters and doubters wrong (tu)(tu)


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