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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 23.04.2018

unabomber (8 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

finally finished it, pretty good TV, a bit faster moving than mindhunter and with a guaranteed endng in place.

8/10 novaks

LUKE 1977 (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 


Designing Viles new kit next season.....shame used to like their clobber.....wont be buying anymore from now on

For next season (30 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Given that we hopefully stay up what areas should we be looking to strengthen this summer.

We don,t need another scatter gun approach like last summer and due to ffp we couldn,t anyway.
Monk seems to be showing that many of these players are not that bad and it is noticeable that loan players have mainly gone out of favour.
Obviously a quality left back and a creative centre mid would help the cause but given what Monk seems to be achieving with the present squad surely quality... Читать дальше...

New holiday book (26 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Looking for suggestions on a new book to take on holiday please folks

Have heard good things about Kill Your Friends

Suits (14 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Fashionistas of SHA...

I need a new suit for a wedding in the summer. Don’t want to spend too much so budget of maybe £200ish?

Can anyone recommend any shops/brands worth looking at?

All serious answers/pisstaking welcome

Re: Suits

Small Heath Alliance 

flannals sale very cheap if they have your size [www.flannels.com]

Suits (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Fashionistas of SHA...

I need a new suit for a wedding in the summer. Don’t want to spend too much so budget of maybe £200ish for a 3 piece.

Can anyone recommend any shops/brands worth looking at?

All serious answers/pisstaking welcome


Small Heath Alliance 

Fashionistas of SHA...

I need a new suit for a wedding in the summer. Don’t want to spend too much so budget of maybe £200ish for a 3 piece.

Can anyone recommend any shops/brands worth looking at?

All serious answers/pisstaking welcome

Re: Madness Fans

Small Heath Alliance 

Seen em a few times over the years and always a great show.

Saw the Suggs one man show in March and was fantastically funny. (tu)

LUKE 1977 (13 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 


Designing Viles new kit next season.....shame used to like their clobber.....wont be buying anymore from now on

Re: Fulham game

Small Heath Alliance 

We normally take it in turns to drive but last game we are all on the train. Out of Glos at 10, few beers on the train. then try and find our way out of New Street. (Used it twice since the re-model and confused me both times) Then its to the pub and a few celebration beers on the way back.

Train fare was £7.70 when we booked. (tu)

Madness Fans

Small Heath Alliance 



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Cutlery drawer (12 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Recently moved house. Ive always gone (from right to left)
Knife, fork , spoon. Mrs now has them spoon, knife, fork.
Funny how the little things annoy you...

For next season (19 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Given that we hopefully stay up what areas should we be looking to strengthen this summer.

We don,t need another scatter gun approach like last summer and due to ffp we couldn,t anyway.
Monk seems to be showing that many of these players are not that bad and it is noticeable that loan players have mainly gone out of favour.
Obviously a quality left back and a creative centre mid would help the cause but given what Monk seems to be achieving with the present squad surely quality... Читать дальше...

LUKE 1977 (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 


Designing Viles new kit next season.....shame used to like their clobber.....wont be buying anymore from now on

Re: LUKE 1977

Small Heath Alliance 

1977 was the year we first saw Luke Skywalker in the first Star wars (ended up being Part 4 A New Hope) ....still the best one by far

Just thought I'd throw that in as I hate talking about the bloody Vile

BTW I just viewed the latest Star Wars (Last Jedi) ....the 8th one .....Luke looked quite old obviously ....I won't tell you the ending....Not sure it it's definitely the last one but they need to put it to bed now

may the force be with us on Saturday

... Читать дальше...

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