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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 21.04.2018

Jota - different class today (16 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Proper footballer (*)
In the week he needs to take the Dutchman to one side and show him how a quality first touch buys us time, composure and space

Mark Duffy (24 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

What’s his problem?

Apart from being ginger. And crap.

Maybe he is still scarred from being unable to dislodge Lee Novak from the starting 11 during his time here

Burton to survive? (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Can leapfrog Bolton with win next week, Barnsley in shocking form... potential escape. Fairplay if they do :)

Do I cash out (20 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Had a £5 bet, anyway all come in, can cash out now £382.00 or hope Cardiff win to collect £595

Stupid Sheff Utd fan (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Came out after the game onto Cov Rd and there was a bit of banter going on between the fans. Our lot started singing to sheffiled, you're staying down with the Wednesday which they seemed to find quite funny. That is apart from one loon, who decided he was going to take on all comers. At first I thought there was going to be a bit of pavement danicing etc right by the coppers to look brave but as he started to walk down the hill and the copperd thinned out he kept going. He then decided to wade into a bunch of blues fans... Читать дальше...

Stupid Sheff Utd fan

Small Heath Alliance 

Came out after the game onto Cov Rd and there was a bit of banter going on between the fans. Our lot started singing to sheffiled, you're staying down with the Wednesday which they seemed to find quite funny. That is apart from one loon, who decided he was going to take on all comers. At first I thought there was going to be a bit of pavement danicing etc right by the coppers to look brave but as he started to walk down the hill and the copperd thinned out he kept going. He then decided to wade into a bunch of blues fans... Читать дальше...

Marc Roberts (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Slated on here. Had a dodgy first 10 minutes, when he failed to stop a quicker footed, pacier player go past him twice.
After that, solid. As expected under Monk. Good on the lad (tu)

Re: Marc Roberts

Small Heath Alliance 

I am not a fan, didn'the want him playing today, and said so, but, as you say he had a solid game, and I'm delighted for him. :D

Mark Duffy (20 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

What’s his problem?

Apart from being ginger. And crap.

Maybe he is still scarred from being unable to dislodge Lee Novak from the starting 11 during his time here

Do I cash out (18 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Had a £5 bet, anyway all come in, can cash out now £382.00 or hope Cardiff win to collect £595

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Maghoma (25 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Excellent again today. Talk about 'intense' when he scored. Ran over to the Tilton and looked like he wanted to chin someone!

Re: Arsene Wenger

Small Heath Alliance 

Carlos Ancelotti is in the running as well...think he would be a good fit for The Gooners

Won the Double with Chelsea and then was unceremoniously dumped by the Roman One

I can't get the hype over Patrick Vieira ....that's just plain sentiment taking over from logic again

Would they even consider Sean Dyce ?? they are linked with Tuchel but he has past issues with Arsenal's recruitment head honcho

You never know

Jota - different class today (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Proper footballer (*)
In the week he needs to take the Dutchman to one side and show him how a quality first touch buys us time, composure and space

Re: Cardiff...

Small Heath Alliance 

1-0 the perfect result for me. Means Fulham might be out of contention for 2nd by the last game, but gives Forest enough belief to beat Barnsley in the week after running Cardiff close.

Marc Roberts (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Slated on here. Had a dodgy first 10 minutes, when he failed to stop a quicker footed, pacier player go past him twice.
After that, solid. As expected under Monk. Good on the lad (tu)

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