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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 26.04.2018


Small Heath Alliance 

Still fecking useless ! .... thanks for the cup you clown !

Sunderland (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

A list of transfers under Ellis Short, what an absolute horror show:


Jack Rodwell is exactly the kind of footballer you hope your side never signs. Happy to sit in the reserves of a League One football club rather than actually have a career.

1000. (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Posts. Joined in August 2016.

That’s an average of about 50 a month then, it’s about quality not quantity, all posts factually correct and well balanced at that.

Your Welcome.

1000. (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Posts. Joined in August 2016.

That’s an average of about 50 a month then, it’s about quality not quantity, all posts factually correct and well balanced at that.

Your Welcome.

Re: 1000.

Small Heath Alliance 

Posts. Joined in August 2016.

That’s an average of about 50 a month then, it’s about quality not quantity, all posts factually correct and well balanced at that.

Your Welcome.

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Sunderland (9 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

A list of transfers under Ellis Short, what an absolute horror show:


Jack Rodwell is exactly the kind of footballer you hope your side never signs. Happy to sit in the reserves of a League One football club rather than actually have a career.


Small Heath Alliance 

Posts. Joined in August 2016.

That’s an average of about 50 a month then, it’s about quality not quantity, all posts factually correct and well balanced at that.

Your Welcome.

Play By Mail (6 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I don’t know if any of you old gits didn’t anything similar when younger but just joined back up to this. Only bit of post to be interested in.

Not been involved for about 20 years. Used to love it at school!

Championship Manager from the Postman (tu)


Before the game QPR

Small Heath Alliance 

Where's a good place to kill time before the match?
Where do people go?

Cuff Links (21 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

When wearing a 'whistle' I like to wear double cuff shirts and hence the cuff links.

They tend to be personal in some cases. Handed down, a gift from a loved one, a way to personalise a look or a light hearted talking point.

What's yours.

I had a pair off cufflinks handed to me as a gift from an American friend working for ICE, which had been handed to him years ago by a Yam Yam Yeoman who lives in the Tower of London.

They can't be bought and are gifted to those who work in the Queens tower.

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Генерал-полковник Алексей Воробьев высоко оценил подготовку кинологов Росгвардии к предстоящим соревнованиям по профессиональному многоборью

Play By Mail (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I don’t know if any of you old gits didn’t anything similar when younger but just joined back up to this. Only bit of post to be interested in.

Not been involved for about 20 years. Used to love it at school!

Championship Manager from the Postman (tu)


Joke (16 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Chris Eubank has just written a book about ethics. If it’s successful, he will consider writing one about Yorkshire.

Play By Mail (3 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

I don’t know if any of you old gits didn’t anything similar when younger but just joined back up to this. Only bit of post to be interested in.

Not been involved for about 20 years. Used to love it at school!

Championship Manager from the Postman (tu)


Re: Play By Mail

Small Heath Alliance 

Played these loads back in the late 80s/early 90s. Had Blues in a few, Manure in one - I was a kid and liked the idea of spending loads of money on tranfers! - plus a number of fictional clubs as well. Think the biggest game was Pace PBM based up in Glasgow. Took part in their La Liga simulation and 'managed' Sporting Gijon and Valencia for a couple of years. Remember it coinciding with Italia 90 and as this was pre-Sky and pre-internet(!) the only way of keeping up to date with random, undiscovered... Читать дальше...

Cuff Links (17 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

When wearing a 'whistle' I like to wear double cuff shirts and hence the cuff links.

They tend to be personal in some cases. Handed down, a gift from a loved one, a way to personalise a look or a light hearted talking point.

What's yours.

I had a pair off cufflinks handed to me as a gift from an American friend working for ICE, which had been handed to him years ago by a Yam Yam Yeoman who lives in the Tower of London.

They can't be bought and are gifted to those who work in the Queens tower.

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